BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 4th August


In this question learners were asked to discuss why people travel more these days and to think about the benefits of travel.


Most people today would like travel in different places. A few decades ago, only the rich can afford to travel since they can spend more. There are several reasons why the number of travellers have been increasing.

First, there is a healthy competition in the transport industry. Long ago, there are only few airline companies so they control and monopolize the industry. Today there are a lot of airline companies and this is the reason why the price of airfare became affordable. Airline companies, nowadays, have their own websites so that it can entice new customers to use their services. They also lowered the ticket prices by developing promotional fares which is beneficial for the customers. Another reason is convenience. People today can use the internet to search their preferred tourist destination. They can also view the best route to maximize the cost of travel and time. Electronic maps are also available in the internet.

There are several benefits that a traveller can get through travelling. Initially, the traveller can eat some exotic foods and see new sights. The individual can also experience new culture and traditions. These new experiences can give the traveller new insights on life and the environment.

In my own experience, visiting Thailand with my mother was such a wonderful experience. I was hesitant at first because I knew beforehand that ticket prices for that destination are pricey. I changed my mind when I saw the promotional fare of Cebu Pacific in their website. After we booked the flight, I then searched the internet for our hotel accommodations. We really enjoyed the trip when we visited some Buddhist temple.

To sum it up, more people would like to travel because of its advantages. Furthermore, the trend will keep on increasing in the future.

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