BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th June

BEST IELTS General Writing Task 1, 8th June


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th June
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th June


A poor infrastructure hinders under-developed countries from progressing and modernising. Some people think that this should be the first problem tackled by foreign aid. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?


It is often perceived that hindrance for development in under-developed countries is to be attributed to a poor infrastructure. There are some who argue that this should be the first issue to be addressed when such countries receive foreign aid. I agree to the statement to a greater extent.

The primary reason behind why I align to the view is that a good infrastructure acts as the base of every sort of development. To be clearer, if there is no adequate road, rail or communication network in a country, it will slow down the pace of progress of a country, especially in the case of an under-developed nation. For example, provided that one of such countries needs to upgrade the medical facilities with the foreign aid they get, it has to consider the need of good hospitals and equipment primarily. Similarly, good education can be given to students only when good educational infrastructure is created.

Another reason behind my agreement is because of the fact that the utilization of the foreign aid would become tangible when such infrastructure developments become true. It is seen that many underdeveloped countries have been receiving foreign aids, which are being spent on meeting food, medical and educational needs of their people. However, the results of these actions can be hardly evaluated properly since these funds are seen often deviated by corrupt bureaucrats.

I need to admit that creating opportunities to work and earn independently becomes the primary concern in certain countries. However, I think most under-privileged countries fail to modernize just because they have poor infrastructure.

To conclude, though there are instances when the foreign aid which the under-developed countries receive should be used primarily to other areas, I believe in most cases, infrastructure development should be the first priority.


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