BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th August


One of the prime times for advertising on TV is when children get back from school. Some people think that advertisements aimed at children should not be allowed. What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


In times of yore, children’s advertisements were very few. However, now we are living in modern era where many changes have taken changes have taken place. These days many sources of advertisements have increased and the ones targeting children are popular. Some people think that these should be banned while others oppose. I agree with the second view and would discuss both the sides and give my view in the following paragraphs.

There are certain reasons to support my view. Primarily, these advert help parents in making their children eat. Children do not like to eat healthy food at this age. Nowadays many advertisements are telecast which show how mothers can make home-made food tempting for children to eat. For example, these advertisements show how chapatti can be enrolled with jam inside it, or how to make healthy vegetables soup for children. When children watch these adverts, they imitate it and start taking such healthy diet. Even advertisements of health drinks like bournvita or complan attract young ones to take milk.

Secondly, these advertisements also support children in many ways. They show children to be ambitious from childhood only. They dream of becoming pilot or engineer or are shown asking intelligent from people around them. So, children get motivated in outdoor activities. We can see that children have stopped playing out and remain busy in studies or video games and mobiles. But these advertisements encourage them to go out and play.

On the other hand, some people contradict the above-said. They believe that these advertisements make children stubborn. They start forcing their parents to buy whatever they watch on television. There are many products which are not good or healthy for them, and are even expensive. As children are not aware about the probable bad effects of them, they put pressure on their parents and most of the times parents have to procure them even if they cannot afford.

To conclude, I would like to accentuate that both the above-said points are relevant and valid. However, if I consider these logically, then I deem that the first view is more effective and powerful, and so, government should not ban advertisements aiming at children.

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