BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st July


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st July


Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develop the country. Do you agree or disagree?


It is said that government funding for education should give preference to science-based subjects over others, in an attempt to help boost a country’s future development and progress. Although an increase in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress, this essay disagrees that science is the primary contributor.

There is no question that the advent of modern science has brought with it a number of improvements to the way that countries and societies function. For example, increases in electrical and computer based technologies have led to much more streamlined and efficient workplaces.

Computers and computerized machinery can now do the work of what would have previously been carried out by humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity output. Another benefit that modern science has granted is the development of renewable energy. Sources of renewable energy, such as solar and wind generated power, are beginning to help ease the planet’s reliance on fossil fuels.

That being said, an increase in scientific education and development must not be the main measure of a country’s progress. It can be seen that the study of many other disciplines of education can also attribute to a countries progress. Take, for example, the Arts and Humanities. Subjects such as History and Philosophy have allowed us to gain a better understanding of humanity and can help to gain more insight into how we can move forward as a race.

Other subjects such as the Arts, allow societies and individuals to express themselves creatively through mediums such as music, film and other art forms. It can be argued that this can also help to improve the quality of people’s lives and therefore help towards a countries overall development.

In conclusion, although developments in science have led to many beneficial advantages for most countries, science alone is not the key contributor to a country’s progress. In my opinion, most countries would benefit greater from a more well-rounded education, with emphasis on all disciplines, not only that of science.


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