BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 19th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 19th July


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 19th July
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 19th July


Many people are working longer hours. Why is this happening? What problems can this cause to people?


It is becoming increasingly common for the average employee to spend more time working. In my opinion, this is the result of structural changes and the resultant problems relate primarily to mental and physical well-being.

Longer modern workdays are largely due to technological innovations. In the past, an office employee might commute to work for a typical 9 to 5 shift, before returning home unencumbered by further assignments. Today, many employees are in near-constant contact with their job through messages, emails, and phone calls. As working hours become flexible and permeable, in some cases leading to remote working, individuals are more likely to spend extra time completing assignments or making an effort to impress their boss. For example, highly motivated employees will often answer emails late into the night or stay up past midnight to finalise reports.

The results of more time spent at work concern mental and physical health. First of all, research has shown that in order to lower levels of cortisol in the brain linked to periods of stressful activity, it is important to compartmentalise work. Since this is less possible today, there has been a concomitant rise in conditions related to depression, anxiety, and general unhappiness. Secondly, more time at work can also take a heavy toll on physical health.

Most workers spend the majority of the day sitting at a desk, which, if they have poor posture, can lead to back pain. More importantly, if employees are working too much they might be cutting into their time for exercise. There is only so much that an individual can fit into a single day and exercise is a natural sacrifice when pressed for time.

In conclusion, the tendency to work longer results from fundamental changes to the structure of work due to advances in technology and this has both psychological and physical implications. Individuals must therefore strive for ways to strike a balance to maintain their health.


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