BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th August


We live in a technology age. However, technology cannot solve all the world’s problems. Therefore, some people argue that we need to place less emphasis on technology solutions and more on other values. How far do you agree?


Indeed, the living conditions of man tremendously improved, as a result of the technological advancements in all walks of human life. However, in spite of the breakthroughs, perennial human problems like poverty, wars and so on remain unresolved. Such, this essay agree to the view that less emphasis should be given to technological solutions and more of other values should be sought.

To start with, technology is the application of scientific discoveries in improving the living conditions of man. However, improvements in living standards do not produce corresponding changes in the nature of man. For example, social evils such as break-up of families, child abuse, and crime rate and drug addiction are on the increase. It is paradoxical that even when people attain the required material prosperity, they are generally not contented in their lives.

To continue, avarice and selfishness need to be curbed. Problems in the relationship between individuals and nations, in the midst of technological progress, reveal that technology does not address all issues. However, technological improvements can be utilized fruitfully for alleviating many of the sufferings of people, provided man should be at peace with himself. Thus, poverty and disputes can be reduced if people, especially the elite, imbibe the virtues preached and practiced by the great souls.

Briefly, technology can be made the handmaid of man in his march towards progress, provided the great ideals set by the likes of Socrates, the Buddha and Gandhi enlighten and guide man. Moreover, material prosperity need not be set as a prerequisite for peace and contentment. If one is happy with what he has, he has attained contentment, which is the ultimate purpose of life.

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