BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th August


Rich countries should not employ skilled labour from poor countries, as the poor countries need the workers more. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


The severe shortage of skilled labour in developed countries makes* them depend on workers from developing countries. In some underdeveloped countries, this may lead to the inadequacy of skilled workers. Some people, therefore, argue that rich nations must not employ workers from poor nations, but this essay totally rejects this view because it has no justification in this age of democracy, human rights and globalization.

To begin with, despite achieving all round progress, developing countries do not have enough skilled workers to do the available jobs. The abundant employment opportunities in affluent countries attract large number of skilled workers from developing countries. Since they get good wages and other facilities, the number of people seeking jobs in wealthier nations is rising steadily. Many Indian and South African doctors filling up vacancies in Britain is a valuable example. Moreover, people have the right to live and work wherever they wish. Otherwise, speaking about democracy, human rights and globalization is only doing lip services.

Furthermore, the migration of skilled professionals to rich countries does not equally affect every developing country. In sharp contrast to this, in some developing countries only because some highly skilled individuals seek greener pastures, the remaining ones are able to get a decent salary. India is a classic example. Indian professionals not only go to the industrialized countries but also to other countries which are in the path of progress. This means that if politicians do not obstruct the free movement of people, the dearth of skilled labour can be successfully solved.

In conclusion, people must have the right to travel and work in any part of the world. Interfering with the free movement of people will only do harm than good to humanity.

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