BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th August


Most people believe money is a very important consideration when choosing a job as it can help you get a better lifestyle; however, there are some who believe it is more important to have a job you enjoy and that this, and not money, will lead to greater happiness and a more balanced personal life.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


There is a big divide in opinion over whether money can buy happiness or not. So should we be focusing on job satisfaction instead of financial gain or resign ourselves to a job that pays well but is not personally-fulfilling?

Money equates with freedom: freedom to travel, live where you choose and even work the hours you want. Many people are tempted, therefore, by large wage packets which they see as a passport into a privileged world of freedom and choice. The reality may be a lot of different. High wages often come at a high price, such as a requirement to work unsociable hours under stressful conditions. Often such highly-paid workers do not have time to use the money they earn to buy the freedom they desired. Holidays are few and far between and there is little time for a social life r entertainment.

Better, some argue, to seek a job that pays less but is one you enjoy and where you can achieve a better work-life balance. If you are fulfilled in your work, it is argued, you do not need to work so hard at substituting money for happiness and focusing on a better lifestyle. You can find contentment through work alone. Whilst there is something to be said for both viewpoints, they overlook a couple of vital factors. Firstly, it is possible to be fulfilled in a well-paid job. High incomes do not necessarily equate with lack of job satisfaction. Secondly, whilst job satisfaction may lead to fulfillment it may not lead to happiness if the job is too low-paid.

It would seem, therefore, that whilst on the face of it, job satisfaction is more important than financial gain, neither job satisfaction nor monetary reward are sufficient in themselves to make a job seem ‘worthwhile’. A happy compromise between financial reward and job satisfaction is needed.

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