BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th September


Some parents send their children to preschool when they are three or four years old. Other parents wait until their children are old enough for primary school before they send them to school. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sending children to preschool at a young age.


While many children start preschool when they are only three or four years old, there are both advantages and disadvantages to this situation. Preschool gives children the chance to develop important skills. It also provides a safe place for children while their parents are at work. On the other hand, it takes them away from their parents at a young age.

Preschool gives children an opportunity to develop important skills. They develop social skills when they play with the other children at school. They learn to share, to negotiate disagreements, and to do things as a group. They also learn skills that will prepare them for primary school. They learn about colors, numbers, and letters. They learn to sit and listen to the teacher. These things will help them later when they start first grade.

Preschool also provides a safe place for children while their parents are working. At preschool, children are cared for by trained teachers who understand children and their needs. They also know how to handle emergencies. Parents can feel confident that their children are well cared for at preschool.

There are, however, some disadvantages to sending children to preschool. The biggest one is that it separates them from their parents for a large part of the day. Many children at the age of three or four are not yet ready to spend so much time away from their parents. It can cause them to feel unhappy and insecure. It is often better for young children to be cared for by relatives, if this is possible.

Preschool can be a good experience for many children, but others aren’t ready for school at an early age. Parents need to make the decision about preschool based on the personality of each individual child and the family situation.


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