BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September


A growing number of people rely on restaurants and convenience food (frozen food and packaged meals) rather than home-cooked food to supply most of their meals. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating this way? Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


These days, many people prefer not to prepare their own meals at home, choosing instead to eat at restaurants or buy convenience foods. This popular way of eating has both advantages and disadvantages. For busy people, it is a convenient way to eat, but it is expensive and not very healthful.

The biggest advantage of eating restaurant meals and convenience foods is that it makes mealtime much simpler. Many people are busy with their jobs and taking care of their children. It is hard for them to find time to plan meals, shop, cook, and then clean up after each meal. If all they have to do at dinnertime is choose a restaurant or put something in the microwave oven, then dinner is a much easier event. It becomes a relaxing and pleasant time to be with the family.

Although eating restaurant meals and convenience foods is simpler than cooking at home, it can be quite expensive. Restaurant meals cost a great deal more than meals cooked at home. Convenience foods cost less than restaurant meals, but they are still expensive. It is hard for many families to afford to eat restaurant meals and convenience foods on a regular basis.

Another disadvantage of restaurant meals and convenience foods is that they are not very healthful. They are often high in fat, salt, and sugar. In addition, restaurant portions tend to be big, which makes them higher in calories. Convenience foods may contain vegetables, but they are not fresh. Therefore, they are not a good source of vitamins. Home-cooked meals, on the other hand, can be as nutritious as you want to make them.

Mealtime is easy when you choose restaurant meals or convenience foods, but if you are concerned about costs and health, home-cooked meals are a better option.


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