BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 11th May


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


Maintaining safety standard while building homes is very important and some people believe that government should be responsible for enforcing the strict building codes while many others opine that house owners and the people who are working there should be responsible for that. In your opinion who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes.


Safety is arguably the most important criteria when considering a place to live and work, and therefore adapting most modern and sophisticated safety measurements in the pre and post production department is a topic which requires immediate attention. I believe, for this to make happen, both the person who does construct as well as the government should adhere to some specific and scientific building codes.

Firstly, let us look at the major factors which differentiate our style of living in the modern society as compared to that of the older society. People used to live in single storey buildings, unlike multi-storey apartments in the present. Additionally, the number of people accommodating to a single premise is several times larger than the last generation. Therefore the idea of having good quality in building construction cannot be compromised. Having said that, I believe, the foundation of this whole set of instructions has to be set up by the government.

These mandatory requirements should meet the possibility of resolving general threats such as adulteration in the materials used, altered foundation requirements, improper fire safety amenities etc. The government should also make sure that the employees engaged in the process are professionals and hence they are able to make high-quality concrete structures which can meet the environmental natural hazards, as these incidents occur more frequently nowadays.

On the contrary, the guidelines to the people who build their houses or other buildings are mostly considered to be influenced by personal choices. It can vary depending upon the finance they have, time and resources available to them. But having said that, the new trends like, using electronic safety equipment like surveillance cameras are very important too. In my opinion, the governments should set up a construction board aimed at the public to introduce and educate them, on the advanced choices available to them.

In summary, a perfectly constructed building is a combination of hard-work and technology and it should be based on excellent government rules and personal choices.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Writing Task 2

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