BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 13th May

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 13th May


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


We never know when the natural disaster will shatter an area and that is why the government should take every precaution to protect its citizens from natural disaster. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


In today’s modern world, we are constantly bombarded with the issue of natural disasters happening around the globe. Thus, some people assert that preventing the occurrence of natural disasters is merely the responsibility of government as they believe they can do nothing in preventing it from happening. Nevertheless, I think that cooperation between people and government is essential in protecting citizens from natural disasters.

Undoubtedly, a government has the largest obligation to take the practical measures to prevent natural disasters from happening. They can, for example, employ those scientists and geologists to predict the time of occurrence of disasters. By knowing when there will be a natural disaster, the government can then take the effective prevention to mitigate the potentially dangerous effects on human lives. To illustrate, to tackle the problem of the tsunami which may cause the death of inhabitants, the government should allocate a portion of the money to improve the current drainage system and to build barriers near the sea-coast.

Thus, it is apparent that government has more power to lower the potential risks of natural disasters from happening and its effects on the citizens. However, it is not to say that citizens have no responsibility to protect themselves from natural disasters. They can take little but could prove useful ways in dealing with this problem. For instance, parents should educate their children from young to behave well by not simply throwing rubbish into the drains and rivers which may eventually cause blockage. This kind act is proved to be useful in preventing natural disasters like flooding.

In addition, they should also take part in a campaign which gives information of what can be done by citizens in order to minimize the negative impacts of natural disasters on human beings. Although there are limited actions that an individual can take in dealing with this problem, the possible negative impacts on humans can still be reduced if every citizen plays their own part.

In conclusion, it is the responsibility of both government and individuals to mitigate the unanticipated impacts of natural disasters on human beings. I believe our nation will continue to prosper and flourish in the years to come and the citizens can be free from disasters.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Writing Task 2

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