BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st June

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 1st June


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


Most people spend a great deal of time at work; therefore job satisfaction is an important part of being happy in life. What elements are required for job satisfaction? It is possible for all workers to achieve job satisfaction. Give reasons for your answer using your own idea and experience.


From the dawn of the time, most people allotted greatly of their time working. Throughout the history, a lot of researchers tried to come up with a definition and ways to achieve job satisfaction. Being satisfied with one’s job is an integral part for you to have a happy life and great physical and emotional well-being. This will be proven on how job satisfaction differs from one individual and another. It is greatly affected by one’s definition of satisfaction and their expectation on the job.

To begin with, nowadays people’s lives greatly depend on their income and benefits from their job. Salary seems to be an essential element in considering their happiness and contentment to one’s job. Another contributing element is the working environment. A healthy working environment consists of a good relationship between the employee and the employer, as well as their colleague, this has been an important role in attaining job satisfaction. In addition, without any doubt having a good time at work is one to take into consideration. To be more specific no one can be satisfied with their job if they are having an unhealthy relationship with their colleagues, this will definitely give them a lot of stress and will soon affect the person’s job performance. Last but not the least, career growth opportunity is also one of the elements to be considered to attain a great job satisfaction that triggers the employee’s happiness and making them realise their potentials.

Apparently, there are so many contributing elements to attain job satisfaction. But it is really possible for one to be satisfied with their job? In my own point of view, I would definitely agree that one can be satisfied on their job depending on their definition of satisfaction and depending on their reasonable and attainable expectation on their work. In my case, if I have to dependent on my salary and benefits for my job satisfaction it will be certain that I’m unsatisfied with my current job. As no one will be satisfied with their job if that will be their basis, because a good financial compensation and an excellent benefit is just a prize for all your hard work. Furthermore, working long hours and having a low salary will be out of the picture if you will just learn how to love your work and enjoy what you are doing.

To sum it up, although it is hard to be fully satisfied on one’s job, it would be great if you will focus on the positive aspect of your work ad ignore the negative side of it, in order for you to achieve job satisfaction and happiness in life.

IELTS Writing Task 2


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Writing Task 2

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