BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th September


Ragging was started with a positive attitude but with a passage of time it has become a nuisance. It is much debated today that ragging should be banned in educational institutions.

To what extant do you agree or disagree with this idea?


The real aim of ragging was to introduce the freshers to the seniors in educational institutions. But these days it has lost its meaning Now the word “ragging” stands for terror, horror, humiliation scolding or even threat to life. Daily we read in the newspapers and watch on the TV how a young boy or girl jumped from the roof and committed suicide. Keeping in view the dangerous connotation of this practice, it goes beyond doubt that ragging should be banned.

Ragging has no longer pleasing meanings attached to it. Now it has become such a poisonous tree which spreads poison in our Gone are the days when ragging was a sort of rite to introduce and initiate the freshers to the manners and etiquettes of the new educational institution and the hostel they had joined.

But now the reverse of all this is highlighted. It is has become a nightmare, the young people. They shiver at the name of ragging. Ragging creates a vicious circle. The fresh students who are tortured toddy will be more ruthless to the, students of tomorrow. In this way the streak of love and compatibility fades away for ever. This poison and bitterness go on multiplying. Hence it is quite imperative that a full stop must be put to malpractice. I would like to say that just banning ragging cannotbeso efficacious as its implementation.

The principals, hostel wardens and other authorities must be watchful. They have to play a positive and effective role in stemming this evil. Those people who violate the rule should be tackled with an iron hand. If we break this chain of evil today, we can create a healthy and amicable atmosphere in our educational institutions. Amen!


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