BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th July

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th July


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


Some people say that sporting clubs pay their players too much money. Others say that if players are talented they deserve to be rewarded. Discuss these views and give your own opinions.


There are many sports that offer enormous prize money or pay huge salaries to their sports stars. The real question is, who can say what is too much? Salaries and prize money are only limited by how much teams and competitions are willing to pay. I do not believe that these should be controlled, and I agree with those who say that sportspeople have a talent that should be rewarded.

Why should sportspeople be singled out as undeserving for pay that they have been legitimately offered and train and work hard for? The clubs and competitions that they play for are hugely wealthy and I think that the people who should benefit the most from this wealth are the players themselves, upon whom the very existence of the sport relies. No one ever says that actors or musicians are overpaid, so I cannot understand why people are always pointing the finger at sportspeople, particularly football players.

One of the arguments is that they are too young to be earning such great amounts of money. I think people forget that practically all sportspeople are young and that their careers are very short. They often forgo doing tertiary education because they have dedicated their lives to their sport at an age when most people would be at university. When they retire from their sport, these salaries stop, so they need to make sure they put something aside to support themselves after they stop playing.

Sport is competitive, on and off the field. If teams and competitions want the top players, they have to be willing to pay for them. Why does anyone care how much a sportsperson earns? I believe that if someone is talented enough to be in demand for what they do, they should be able to ask for as much money as they can get. This goes for any industry, but particularly for sportspeople. I think there is nothing better than watching a top player performing at their best and they should be rewarded for the amount of excitement and admiration they inspire.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Writing Task 2

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