BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 15th September


People should focus more on solving problems related to the future, and should not spend time thinking about the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


It is true that, people must be more aware about the forthcoming years in all aspects including health, environment and whole living situations rather than concentrating on which is gone. However, in this essay do not agree with the statement because, people need the ability to consider the past and protect ancestral things together with the upcoming problems.

Firstly, nobody can live without giving respect towards the outcome of precursor protection on the earth. All the facilities and amenities which is present has to be the matter of debate and liability to keeps on for next generation. In fact, this world may not be present somehow the old generation whether they do not think about their past so as to know which is the responsibility of everyone who live now to study and research about the past and do the needful to be securing the earth. For instance, monuments from Stone Age were guarded by the government would be the result of many tourism and economic development in globally.

Similarly, it is a fact that to be concentrate on future in terms of well being and sustainability of every offspring in earth. Many natural resources and material should be use in limited amount and save for coming years would lead to be earth in safe zone. Excessive water wasting, increased use of plastic and natural resources like coal, oil and fossil fuels may be the absence of stability of earth and serious hazards over there. For example, global warming and climbing number of natural disasters must be serious problems to study.

To conclude, owing to the fact of future problem would make everybody to listen to the past in some extent and nobody get rid of focus on prime time than present or hereafter years. So that, previous years or issues should be consider along with next.


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