BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 9th August


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


In some countries at secondary or high school, there may be two streams of study: academic or vocational. What are the advantages for students and society of putting students into two streams at the age of fifteen?


In some countries, fifteen-year-old school students are offered the choice of academic or vocational training. In this essay, I shall outline the reasons for adopting this two-stream system, and suggest its advantages.

As economies become more complex and more specialised, workers need a high degree of competence. Countries where there is an emphasis on vocational training hope to improve their economic competitiveness with a young skilled workforce. Those that have chosen to train prospective employees while still at school may have an even sharper competitive edge. In my view, an education system with a purely academic curriculum suits about 40% of students. Admittedly, people who go on to university generally find employment on graduation if not in their field, and successful post-graduates are almost invariably offered highly paid jobs.

However, obtaining a degree takes time and dedication. For people who do not wish to do this, or who do not have the ability, they are far less likely to find work on leaving school where academic study has been the only option, particularly if their marks and self-esteem are low. A fortunate few do gain employment, but more commonly, even in the developed world, the majority of young school leavers are faced with unemployment – a scourge to society and a cause of distress to individuals.

Therefore, countries like Germany have decided that all school students should be placed in either an academic or a vocational stream from fifteen. From an individual’s perspective, being a plumber, for example, does not only mean that drainage functions well, but that the plumber belongs to an organisation of tradespeople and is part of a respected tradition. Starting this training at the age of fifteen ensures that an adolescent has a head start with regard to jobs as well as a clear focus and sense of personal worth.

I firmly believe there needs to be an alternative curriculum to the academic at secondary; otherwise, on leaving school, too many young people are adrift, and specialised industries lack a skilled workforce.


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IELTS Writing Task 2

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