BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th August


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


It is generally believed that taking vitamin pills will make you healthier but some people suggest that only the vitamins that come from eating fish foods are good for you. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


We have been encouraged for years to take vitamins in case we are missing them in our diet. It was suggested that they might even help us live longer by protecting us from disease. Now some people are saying that taking vitamins has very little effect at all. I sometimes take a vitamin tablet if I have been eating unhealthily for example, if I have gone for a few days without eating fruit and vegetables. From what people are saying now, perhaps I would be better off if I just ate the fruit and vegetables.

The thing about vitamins in a pill is that they are synthetic and might not have the same effects as vitamins in their natural forms and combinations. Some people swear by vitamin C, saying that if they feel a head cold coming on, a few vitamin C tablets will stop a cold in its tracks. Maybe this is true, and taking vitamins might be useful if you are feeling run down, but I am not so sure about taking them regularly to make you healthier.

Perhaps if everything in your body is able to function properly you are less likely to get ill, and you need all the vitamins to make everything work properly. I know there are times when I do not have time to cook, or I am eating out a lot and it is difficult to get access to really nutritious food. It is at these times I find that taking vitamins makes me feel less guilty about my lifestyle but I am not sure if they make me feel any healthier.

Rather than arguing whether artificial vitamins can really replace the ones found in food, it is probably more useful to direct your energy to finding the time to cook healthy food that is much more enjoyable to eat than taking a pill. I think there is nothing wrong with taking the occasional vitamin pill, but they should not replace the vitamins you get from food.


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 24th August

IELTS Writing Task 2

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