BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 28th August


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?


In many nations around the world, declining health and a lack of fitness are becoming very common among people. There are a number of causes of this, but certain measures could be taken to alleviate this problem.

There are several causes of this situation. The main one is that technological advancements have resulted in a sedentary lifestyle. Because of the prevalent use of computers and vehicles, it is no longer necessary to move around much. This leads to people becoming overweight, which also adversely affects their health and fitness. In addition, people are consuming more unhealthy processed food nowadays. For example, fast food, junk food and processed canned food have become extremely popular due to people’s chronic busyness. Such food results in a lot of health problems if it is consumed in large quantities.

Various possible courses of action could be taken in order to tackle the above. In the first place, the government could launch a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the importance of eating healthily and exercising. For instance, advertisements by the ministry of health about the dangers of eating junk food and not exercising should be regularly shown on television and the internet. Another way forward could be for schools to prohibit unhealthy food from being sold in schools. If schools start to ban too much fried food or food that is high in sugar and salt, students will be forced to eat a more balanced and healthy diet at school. The result is that health would improve dramatically.

In conclusion, various factors have led to problems related to health and fitness, but this situation could be addressed by the launch of a health and fitness campaign and the implementation of effective regulations to limit the sale of unhealthy food in schools. Given this situation, it is recommended that steps should be taken immediately in order to ensure that the health and fitness of the people in the country have improved.


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 29th August
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