BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd September


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


Many people believe that reducing speed limits is the best option for road safety improvement. Do you think there are other measures that could be put in place? What are the advantages and disadvantages of reducing speed limits?


Today’s technologically sophisticated era has been facing a lot of issues among which, the startling increase in the rate of road accidents is not inconspicuous. Everyday many cars, mo- torbikes, trucks and buses are added to the mishap list, which has knocked on the need for road safety. In this context, one of the best options put forward by authorities is to bring a stringent restriction to the speed limit of vehicles on road. It is indubitably a good idea but at the same time, other effective measures must also be put into action for the overall road safety.

IELTS Writing Task 2

To begin with, it goes without any oppression that reducing the speed limits is one of the best methods to plummet the number of vehicle accidents. A plethora of merits accompany when this practice is strictly implemented. It is well known that high speed and rash driving have cost lives of many and the threat falls directly on most of the pedestrians.

IELTS Writing Task 2

Driving at uncontrolled speed is undoubtedly a perilous act as it causes destruction of vehicles and lives. Once the speed limit is reduced, the daily accidents would decline and it brings trustworthy safety on roads. This in turn raises the standard of driving. Such a rule would also bring many more safe drivers on roads and the major benefit would go to safety of pedestrians. Furthermore, this will reduce the number of inspectors on road, that may have a positive im-pact on the economic stability.

Nevertheless, there are a few shortcomings glued to reduction in speed limits. Slowing the speed will obviously elevate daily traffic hours; it will then be a cumbersome task to transit sick or severely injured patients requiring emergency medical care to infirmaries. Moreover, such an implementation actually engulfs the precious time of many a person.

IELTS Writing Task 2

 On a wider note, one must not blindly believe limiting speed alone can ensure overall road safety. There are several other effective measures that can be wisely used to deal with the soaring road perils, and some are easily accessible and practicable. The practicality is ensured when the regime puts forth stringent policies to the road users. There should be strict prohibition on the use of electronic gadgets while driving. Also, seat belts and helmets should be made a necessity for drivers and motorbike riders respectively, to create a protective sheath over their lives. What is more, the narrow roads should be widened and maintenance of roads should be given priority. Traffic police can also be allotted at crowded places to assure the road traffic signals being properly followed by road users, be it drivers or pedestrians. In addition, issuing license should be based on strict assessment criteria. Above all, if proper awareness classes are given to the public about the adverse repercussions of unsafe roads, more and more individuals could be put on track.

To conclude, a significant reduction in speed limit should be instilled as one of the most effective means to reduce the accidents, and several other measures should be included as its accomplices to uplift safe and secure roads all over the world.

IELTS Writing Task 2


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 3rd September

IELTS Writing Task 2

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