BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 5th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 5th September


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


School Teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


School is a place for molding true citizens for tomorrow and teachers have a great role in it. It is often argued that mentors take a lion’s share of responsibility in uplifting the pupils’ social and cognitive skills compared to parents. I firmly believe that since teachers are well trained, they are the best ones than parents to inculcate social values and nourish the intellectual growth in children.

Irrefutably, parents are true guardians of their offsprings and they have a pivotal role to play when it comes to the child’s overall growth and development, but nurturing children at home alone does not ensure the creation of socially bright ones. It is where the importance of schools and teachers come into existence. After a particular stage, children ought to receive formal education for a bright future. Teachers are meant not just for teaching academic subjects, but also for instilling social and moral values in children. It is an educator who can easily understand a child’s caliber and act accordingly. Since teachers are constantly updated with various new methods of teaching and syllabus, they can create an effective and conducive learning environment and treat different ranges of children appropriately. Academicians also see to that the children are inculcated with technological skills as well. When there is wise assistance from the side of teachers, the child can improve his/her logical thinking skills, reasoning abilities and problems solving skills. This in turn helps mould bright students at school.

Furthermore, school is a place where children seemingly interact with their peer groups. Mentors have a role here too; they take initiative in encouraging pupils to engage in ex- tracurricular activities as per the latter’s interests and talents. By actively participating in co-curricular events, students will develop qualities like leadership skills, teamwork spirit, camaraderie and competitive abilities. These qualities are less likely to be encouraged by home environment. On top of it, children learn to make friends from school and it is rightly pronounced that most of the best friendships sprout at school.

To reiterate, it can, therefore, be concluded from the above confabulation that the overall social and intellectual abilities of a child are propelled at school, where teachers have a predominant role to play. Since children spend a great majority of their time at schools, it’s the mentors who have more influence on them at this stage than their biological guardians.


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 5th September

IELTS Writing Task 2

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