BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th September


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


 Some people say that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on TV in order to control violent crimes in society. How far do you agree or disagree with the statement?


Crimes are increasing drastically the world over, and controlling the intensity of violence expressed on public media has become a question of concern. There are supporters and protestors for controlling the amount of violence on television, wherein the former opine that it is the onus of the government to censor the explicit contents portrayed on media so as to plummet the concentration of anti-social behaviors in society. I firmly believe that it would be a wise measure, if the governing bodies curtail such contents shown to viewers on television and films.

Even though television and movies are reflections of events happening in the society, expos- ing the crime scenes in detail would leave a destructive and immensely adverse impact on the viewers. This is even more intense in case of children as they are highly impressionable and are the most mentally vulnerable category of the society. When children are frequently confronting vulgar anti-social scenes on media, they unconsciously imbibe certain evil traits; the young minds are dragooned to imitate what they see on screen and as such, it can be rightly said, ‘criminals are moulded’. Moreover, violent movies and television programs are doing a great deal as a business. The subsequent consequences are witnessed all over the world in terms of the soaring rates of violent crimes in society. The skyrocketing frequency of perceiving extensive offensive issues on audio-visual media by regular viewers is definitely not a good trend. This also uplifts a society insensitive to real world. In addition, the born criminals further get a chance to initiate violent acts by imbibing ideas from the meticulous crime programs.

The government being the power of a nation, has the right to enforce laws and implement appropriate timely decisions. It has to ensure proper and pertinent measures against sprouts likely to disturb the equilibrium of tranquility of the country. Therefore, the ruling power must censor the graphical contents of ravishments conveyed through films and TV pro- grams, ensuring that creativity and freedom of expression do not discomfort public and adversely influence the psychology of the youth. It is, indeed, the duty and responsibility of the state and its administration to portray clean contents on media.

In brief, to uncover a society free of crimes and extreme violence, the government should step forward to control the intensity of vicious contents transmitted via media. This will promise a positively enthusiastic, less destructive and economically stable society.


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 6th September

IELTS Writing Task 2

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