BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 7th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 7th September


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


In many countries the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society?. Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing population.


In several countries the world over, especially industrialized economies, due to the advance- ments in medical field and improvements in the quality of living, the life expectancy of people is increasing. This subsequently has given rise to a scenario where the population of grey haired members soared at a starting pace. Such a condition would without any doubts, invite potential problems to the society as well as individuals. However, the government can surmount the significant socio-economic challenges put forward by the older generation by taking Wise steps.

Undeniably, the fiscal and macroeconomic challenges put forth by the ageing population are highly conspicuous in the advanced economies. The authoritative officials come face-to-face with an array of interrelated difficulties, which include mainly unsustainable pension commitments, increased health care costs and reduction in the working age population. Firstly, the retired people of developed nations live on pensions with negligible tax rates than workers. In such countries, the policy makers struggle to satiate the elderly people’ s higher health costs, pension benefits and other demands as they can depend only on the taxes collected from the smaller pool of workers. Secondly, since the demand for health care 1s directly proportional to age, the growing senior population becomes much a burden for the regime because they have to utilize the state budget on this issue, without expecting anything in return.

To continue, the rapid upward trend in the share of older individuals in a society becomes an irreversible global issue, since it brings along with it a decline in the proportion of working Class. When there occurs a shortage of skilled and qualified enthusiastic workers, many of ne businesses will face severe crisis leading to quivering of the entire economy. In other Words, there will be decline in productivity, followed by higher labour costs and reduced International competitiveness, that would hinder the economic progress. This trend has an accomplice called wage inflation, wherein the few workers demand for a salary hike upset- ting the whole national budget.

The world is, however, created with solutions to respective problems and as such, this trend too has ultimate panaceas. One of the possible solutions could be encouraging the older ones lower heir working hours to yet remain in their jobs. The retirement age can be increased to 70-/5 and the working age population could be leveled. Gradual retirement can be as beneficial to societies, employees and the employers. Another major goal of the government should be to allow immigrants into the nation. This method will increase the working population and thereby, the tax collection can be elevated to balance the fiscal aspect. What is OTC, the population aged 60 and above should be encouraged and rewarded for paid and unpaid work, which could be a pivotal factor in improving their material and psychological well being.

Summarize, it is factual that the rapid ageing of populations around the globe magnifies list of challenges, but sincere, pertinent and prompt solutions by the policy makers will definitely ensure economic stability as well as health and well being of citizens of all ages.

IELTS Writing Task 2


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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 7th September

IELTS Writing Task 2

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