BEST IELTS Writing task 2, 26th September

BEST IELTS Writing task 2, 26th September


IELTS Writing task 2
IELTS Writing task 2


Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Ensuring food adequacy for the entire population has been a major concern for nations throughout the centuries. Some people believe that the government should focus on producing all kinds of food while importing as little as possible to ensure food sufficiency. I firmly believe that producing many kinds of food is an inevitable effort in terms of ensuring the nation’s food security.

Firstly, the more a country relies on imported food, the more food crisis it faces. Food import includes transportation costs, taxation and other charges that eventually increase the food price. To tackle this problem, a government should allocate more budgets to improve national production by maximising the collaboration of research centres with farmers. Related university courses and diploma programmes can create more talented individuals who would be involved in domestic food production. Furthermore, by mass production of all kinds of food items, a country can prepare for the rainy days.

Secondly, by focusing on farming, irrigation and planting, a government can decrease unemployment problems. For example, in Indonesia, the farming sector creates the highest percentage of jobs. More than 50 per cent of Indonesians are directly or indirectly depends on the agriculture sector.

Finally, imported food does not have the same quality and freshness as locally produced food and crops. If food is imported from a long distance, the food value degrades and in some cases, toxic chemicals are used to preserve the imported food. Thus the local production of foods would ensure better food quality and sound health of citizens.

In conclusion, preventing the food crisis, ensuring better food quality and decreasing unemployment could be achieved if a country becomes self-sufficient in its food production. It is expected that countries would emphasize their domestic food production as it gives many competitive advantages over importing.


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BEST IELTS Writing task 2, 26th September
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