BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 25th September


Smokers can cause themselves serious health problems. The choice to smoke is made freely and with the knowledge of dangers. Smokers should therefore expect to pay more for medical treatment than non- smokers do. To what extent do you agree to this statement?


Smoking, a practice prevalent among people since 16th century, is * now under heavy public scrutiny, as it is equally harmful to both active and passive smokers. There are many, even among doctors, who argue that since they harm themselves deliberately over a period of time they are liable to pay more for their treatment. This essay supports this argument because of financial and social reasons.

As one of the social welfare measures, major democracies offer citizen free health care. However, the success of true democracy rests* on how much people are aware of their rights as well as responsibilities. For instance, people who smoke do so intentionally. They are aware of its consequences. They, therefore, are responsible for diseases linked to tobacoo and should not be allowed the privilege of free treatment or should pay more.

To further pursue the discussion, progressive governments invest heavily in the area of health care. The argument is that the most deserving cases must benefit from it. For example, the British Medical Association is in favour of doctors taking a punitive approach to make sure the needy gets real service. Their argument is the non-smokers are also law abiding citizens and they must get priority. Nobody imposes tobacoo on anyone. As such, smokers have to pay for their treatment. Moreover, we are not living in a world of infinite resources and as such, prioritizing and scheduling are of immense significance for governments.

Overall, it is necessary to ensure that everybody is able to enjoy the rights guaranteed to him or her in a democracy. By considering this, we can agree that people who harm themselves. Despite having the knowledge that they are doing so, will have to show readiness to bear responsibility for their actions.


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