BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th September

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th September


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th September
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 26th September


Teachers are not as important as they used to be because of the choice of other alternatives for students, such as online teaching.
To what extent to do you agree or disagree?


With the advent and development of technology, alternative methods such as online teaching have been proposed as an alternative method of education. This trend led to the heated debate whether or not teachers are as important as before. While online teaching has its advantages, I believe that teachers have not lost their prominence in the education system.

On the one hand, the benefits of online teaching method are undeniable. First and foremost, online educational websites are always accessible. It does not matter what time of the day or year it is; pupil can always benefit from online contents. Moreover, staying at home and use modern methods is more convenient because it commuting to school is not needed. Take frigid winter mornings or the inconvenience of long distances that many students have to tolerate in order to develop their skills at schools as tangible examples. By using online teaching, all of the mentioned difficulties will disappear.

On the other hand, conventional teaching that is done by teachers has unparalleled value. Firstly, teachers are abundantly experienced in their position. They are using proven methods that have been practiced for more than a century to add to the knowledge of their students. Secondly, teachers have a closer relationship with their pupil; hence, they can discover children’s talent and improve weaknesses more efficiently. For instance, if a student has is receiving low grades in a particular subject, knowing their competency, an experienced tutor can teach them in a more fitting manner and maximize their learning.

To conclude, on the basis of the mentioned points, while new methods such as online teaching have a cascade of benefits, I am not convinced that teachers are not as important as before because the conventional method is proven to be working, and teachers have a closer relationship with students.


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