BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th October

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th October


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th October
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 8th October


In some countries, employees are generally given two weeks of paid vacation time each year. In other countries, employees are given four or six weeks of paid vacation time.

Considering the needs of both employee and employer, what do you think is a reasonable amount of paid vacation time for employees to have? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


I believe that two weeks of annual vacation time is a good amount for a company to offer employees, at least when they are first hired. There are several reasons this is a good practice. It saves the employer money, it minimizes disruption to normal work routines, and the possibility of earning more vacation time in the future can act as an incentive to the employee.

When an employee uses paid vacation time, he or she is not contributing to the company but is still being paid. This means the employer is paying out money without getting work in return. The shorter the vacation, the less the employer has to pay out. Of course, we could say that the cost to the employer is repaid when the employee returns from vacation rested and with renewed energy. For longer vacations, however, the loss of work is probably greater than the benefit to be gained when the employee returns with greater energy. Of course, something like this is difficult to measure, and each employer must evaluate his or her own particular situation.

An employee takes a vacation, but in most cases his or her work does not. Other people must carry out the worker’s responsibilities while he or she is away. In many cases, companies hire temporary workers to cover for employees who are on vacation. This is an extra expense and an inconvenience. The longer the vacation, the greater the disruption to the normal work routine.

At many companies, employees are offered more vacation time after they have worked there for a certain amount of time. This benefit can be an incentive, encouraging employees to do well in their positions and remain at the company.

Generally, I feel that all new employees should be given two weeks of annual vacation time initially, with the possibility of earning more after working with the company for some time. I think a system like this is fair to both the employer and the employee.


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