BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th April

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th April


IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Writing Task 2


Some people say that rich nations should help poor countries with their basic needs like food and education while others oppose the idea and argue that the poor nation themselves should try to improve their condition.

Do you agree with the idea that rich and developed nations should help the poor nations?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


A nations’ welfare is the most crucial part of quality life for citizens in that certain country. I completely agree that the governments have an initial role to keep their citizens stay healthy and well-educated. This statement is supported by a numerous reason; governments’ basic responsibility and the governments’ authority.

Firstly, it is noticeable that the basic responsibility of the government is to look after their society, especially for people living in under standard of life. Although it may be true that all of the nations should help each other, however, the governments should stand in the front line to guaranty their citizens’ life. In additions, every country in the world has their own income which is collected from many sources such as individual income tax and value added tax. Hence, the government should distribute this income in an appropriate way such as providing free educations and health facilities.

Secondly, it seems that the quality of a country rely on the way the government is governing their society.  To return to an earlier point that education and health are essential parts of humans’ life. Therefore, the government should give their main concentration to these terms. As they have an authority to govern their society, the have to decide a governmental decision to improve the citizens’ quality life especially in terms of education and health for poorer societies. Otherwise, the nations will not have an adequate standard of life.

On in all, the care of poorer nations is the main responsibility of the government. The most crucial point made so far, although the wealthier nations should help the other voluntarily, the government are playing the significant role to solve this problem by deciding governmental decisions in terms of education and health.


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 10th April
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