BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 23rd October

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 23rd October


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 23rd October
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 23rd October


Tourism has been a good source of revenue in many countries. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of exploiting this resource.


Tourism is now a booming industry in most countries, governments generate handsome revenue from this source and some counties depend entirely on it for survival. In bridging the gap between cultures and in creating a new world order, it has its advantages. However, utilizing resource has its disadvantages such as the deleterious effects on the environment which put negative impact of all countries’ fiscal as well.

In terms of benefits to economy, first and foremost, it is an accepted fact that tourism has its effects on societies and governments. It provides people with thousand of job opportunities in several areas such as transport, hotels and infrastructure development. Thus, it leads to the overall development of an area. In addition, various forms of Indian music and dance are now becoming popular everywhere because of the interest shown in them by the tourists. In addition to governments, big tour operators and hotels get most of the benefits. As a result of this, governments are increasing their revenue by way of tax on tourist activities.

The flip side of this practice is that by visiting to tourists places, produces a huge amount of waste. Lack of proper, waste management facilities damages the environment and human health. Besides, in many parts of the world, it leads to the degradation of the environment. To cite an example, tourism has its role in the felling of trees, destruction of forests and the over exploitation of human resources such as water. Another disadvantage of tourism is that local people do not benefit from the tourism. Consequently, tourism leads to the spreading of diseases such as Bird flu and SARA very quickly which is affecting the financial condition of all nations.

To put it briefly, in spite of its advantages tourism contributes to the progress of many countries. It is hoped that governments and people will take steps to reduce the harmful effects of this profitable industry, for the benefit of the mankind.


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