BEST IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics, 7th December

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics, 7th December


Writing Task 2 Topics
Writing Task 2 Topics


Some people think that because of email and telephone, communication among people is less personal now than it used to be. Do you agree or disagree with that view? Use specific reason and example to explain to your answers.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics


Telephone and email are the results of technological advancement. The modern communication system has made our life comfortable and less laborious. In my view using new methods of communication like telephone or email do not hurt human interaction or relation, rather it makes it more effective.

To initiate with, it is very helpful for students and workers who stay in a foreign country to use email, the Internet and mobile phone to stay connected with their family and relatives. Before we had emails and telephones, those people could scarcely communicate with their family members. For instance, one of my cousins studies in New Zealand and he calls and sends emails to his family and friends regularly. Thanks to the modern technology. Twenty years ago, my uncle had been in this same country, and he could rarely contact his family as letter-writing was the only way to communicate then. So I would say those modern technologies have improved the way we communicate these days.

Moreover, modern communication saves time and cost. The speed of electronic mails and phone calls are overwhelming and people are making many friends beyond boundaries. In my view those are all personal and technology has made it possible to keep more personal relationships than ever before. For example, Facebook helped me find many of my childhood friends and I have a good friendship with them now. This, in my opinion, is a good example to illustrate how technology has improved our personal relationship.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

Next, people nowadays shop, pay bills and do banking online and these online activities save their personal time that they can spend with their friends and family members. Furthermore, emails have quite positive impacts in keeping the bond between people more personal due to its features which allow sharing pictures, videos and important files. People can now communicate in virtual physical presence which is known as video calling and this makes communication easier and more effective.

To sum up, I would like to say that, telephone and email have a very positive impact on our relationship and communication. Without those, we would have been more isolated and lonely than we can imagine.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

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