BEST IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics, 19th January

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics, 19th January


Task 2 Topics
Task 2 Topics


Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. Why is this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these?


As consequences of the environmental awareness programs use of the solar Energy is gaining more prevalence among many countries. Up to an extent, the government plays an indispensable in order to make us aware of the profound impact of solar energy by various environmental campaign. To my mind, economic benefits and eco-friendly nature outweigh positive promotion of solar Energy. In spite of these, a couple of issues individual may have to face while using solar systems.

To begin with, the joint-venture – environmental awareness programmes – of government and media is accountable in creating awareness about solar energy. As a result, most of the people also become aware about the shortage and cruciality of non-renewable resources. Moreover, sometimes, frightening electricity bill numbers also make people think about alternatives. the Thus, fusion of all aforementioned perspectives diverted, successfully, people towards solar system implementation.

On a practical note, solar energy has become increasingly more popular due to their economic benefits. As the household types of equipment – which are powered by solar energy – absolutely exempted from electricity bills. Eventually, it does a good turn to the community in terms of monetary value. Not only this, but the government can also cut down – up to a certain level – expense and investment for electricity generation. Additionally, as this eco-friendly way of energy generation mitigates serious aspects of land and air pollution as well. Seen in this light, solar energy has stark benefits, without being said.

Logically, this way of energy generation merely depends on the geographical location of countries. Consider, for example, Indian weather cycle has 280 Sunny and warm days out of 365, so, it is perfectly suitable for solar system implementation. But, a country like London – probably who faces the rainy season on a daily basis – cannot get benefits of solar energy. Moreover, to entitle these benefits an individual -one – have to do prime investments initially for setup installation. So these factors, sometimes, prove as hurdles in the case of solar energy generation.

In a nutshell, the cited evidence supports my view that albeit many drawbacks, most of the people throughout world use solar energy as an electricity resource, especially for household equipments and activities. In the future, probably aforementioned limitations may be overlooked by some scientific breakthroughs.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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