BEST IETS Writing Task 2, 14th December

BEST IETS Writing Task 2, 14th December


BEST IETS Writing Task 2, 14th December
BEST IETS Writing Task 2, 14th December


After birth what will play a major role in one’s personality and development: Nature Nuture? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Man is a product of the genetic make-up that he is born with, as well as, the environment and the education that he is exposed to. Nature and Nurture  both have strong influences on human development. Nature is genetic but nurture is the external forces on factors that exert influence on life.

I strongly feel that nurture is more important in what a child will grow up to. There is the  Folklore about the wolf boy who was born to human parents , but was carried away into the jungle by the wolves ,which then raised him as one in their family. Slowly he grew up to be a  wild two-legged animal. His personality and behavior were completely transformed. This is what nurturing does, transform the whole individual. Likewise, many times we have seen children born into families with criminal background and later adopted into genteel families have later turned out to have very pleasant personality. This happens because of the strong  family influences and because of good nurturing.

This is not to discount the influence of nature. Nature plays its role right from the time the mother conceives. Nature is in the form of inherited traits which exist right from birth. sometimes fraternal twins raised apart have remarkable similarities in looks and behaviour, this is possible only because of nature

Nature is responsible for producing healthy babies but nurture helps to produce happy babies behhaviour is, to a great deal, influenced by nurture or environmental factors

It is very difficult to know whether certain traits are predisposed in one’s DNA or they are the  influence or experience of life. Though one cannot be sure which ones are more important, inherited traits or the ones picked up in life, the balance appears to be tilted slightly in favour of the latter.

BEST IETS Writing Task 2, 14th December


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