BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 25th October

BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 25th October


Speaking IELTS
Speaking IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Kabutya Hitrla.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Kabutya.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like running?

Honestly speaking, I’ve never given a thought to it. I’m not too fond of it because each running session drains my energy.

Have you ever taken a running class?

No. I dread to think of having to run around 10 km daily. I don’t think I’ll ever take part in any running class in the foreseeable future.

When was your last long run?

I haven’t run since my last physical education class in my second year. Now I’m in my 3rd year. Thus, my last long run was like one year and a half ago.

Speaking IELTS

Why do people need to run?

Running has been scientifically proved to be one of the very few sports which requires nearly all the muscles to function, thus benefiting almost the whole body. Therefore, people need to run to stay healthy.

Where do you think is a good place to run?

Without a doubt, parks are the most ideal for runs. Since an enormous amount of oxygen is needed when running, it is better to run inside a place where the air is fresh and has enough oxygen rather than polluted with carbon dioxide.

Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

While the gym is eclipsing running in terms of popularity nowadays, I believe running is an effective way to stay healthy. It is also more economical than gym.

Speaking IELTS


Describe a time when you were looking at the sky

You should say:

• When and where you looked at the sky

• Who you looked at sky with

• How you felt when looking at it

And explain why you looked at the sky

Speaking IELTS


Looking at the sky seems like the sort of thing we might do every day without actually having any awareness of doing it. But today I want to share with you the time when I had an opportunity to look up into the sky from a city on the other side of the planet.

A couple of years ago I had a great opportunity to escape from the scorching hot summer in Hanoi to one of the most stunning cities in Europe, London. Usually, the weather in London is pretty much day after day of overcast clouds and dreariness with high levels of rainfall throughout the year. However, when I arrived in London, I guess I must have caught a lucky break in the clouds as the city was lit up in sunlight.

But while I was traveling from the airport to my hotel in the west part of London with my mother, I opened the car window to glance around and feel the wind on my skin and in my hair. By this point, the sun had disappeared and the sky was overcast and grey with loads of thick clouds. There were many people on the street walking in a hurry to avoid the rain, while others were too absorbed with their phones to even notice the coming rain.

Speaking IELTS

I was so excited and curious about this huge city that I decided not to let the rain ruin my first day, even though I got soaking wet in the heavy downpour as I got out of the cab and moved my luggage. For the rest of the day, I spent my time looking at the sky from my hotel room’s window while the rain kept pouring down. I love London, without a doubt, but that kind of weather totally made me feel depressed.


Why is it that people like to examine the skies?

People like to research the skies to Observe the changes in the weather. Some See it as an inspiration for artwork such as painting, photography, etc.. It’s also very important to research about skies and space to realize that we’re part of a huge world, which arouses our fascination with what is past the skies. Some people examine it as they consider that planetary movements affect an individual’s fate.

Speaking IELTS

Do you understand any story associated with planets?

I really don’t recall anyone’s narrative. However, I used to browse comics. Additionally, there are many films made about superheroes from different planets, such as PK, Spiderman.

Do you believe kids should be told world stories to better their creativity?

Yes, undoubtedly. It’s very important that kids be told stories About other planets. It certainly will help enhance their imagination and creativity, due to the fascination it ignites/creates within their own minds.

Speaking IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS

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