BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 11th November

BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 11th November


 Speaking IELTS
Speaking IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Mahie Shetuya.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Mahie.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

What is your favourite fruit?

I really love to eat apple. It is very healthy and is available all year long.

Why do you like it?

I like it both for the taste and nutritional value. Apples satisfy my need to eat something crunchy too. Because it takes a while to munch on one, I can control my appetite. Apples are one of the world’s healthiest foods.

Speaking IELTS

Do you like sunny days?

Yes, I like sunny days, but only in pleasant and cold weather. I do not like sunny days in summers and hot weather.

Do you like going (or, being) outside on sunny days?

Yes, I like being outside on sunny days. However, not during the summer season.

What do you like to do on sunny days (or, when you go outside)?

On sunny days, I sometimes like to sit out in the sun and read. Sometimes I go out and meet my friends in a park. Sometimes we plan a picnic on a nice sunny day.


Leisure activity

You should say

– What you do

– Who you do it with

Speaking IELTS

– Where you do it

And explain why you like to spend time this way


Leisure time is the one in which one can be the master of the time! And can spend either in educational work or for entertainment. There is nothing to do that has been ordered by someone. A person performs whatever he wishes to do, so it could be cooking, driving or sleeping or for that matter even dancing and many more.

Leisure time is the one time that I rarely get, but whenever I do get the time, I prefer reading books or listening to music. However, Reading has been my favourite since I was in my teenage years and it helped me to grow as an individual. It taught me so much about different domains and helped me in understanding new things that often come up in my life. It has proven really fruitful for me to enhance my imaginary skills as well as creativity. It was when I read the autobiography of Gandhi, “My experiments with truth” I learnt about Indian politics.

Speaking IELTS

I vividly remember during the final year of my school, I picked up the habit of reading and have not stopped much after that! During reading I used to mark the vocabulary words and read them thorough. That helped me a lot to enhance my command on language. Moreover, sometimes I mark the paragraphs in the book and try to make notes of good learning’s provided in the book so that I can implement those things in my life to be a good person.

I read a book mostly in my room or in library which is stone’s through from my place. As it is a quite area and nobody can disturb me. Moreover, I like to read the books regarding fiction and historical books from which I become aware regarding the past.

All in all, I would say I like to utilize my leisure time and enjoy very much what I do. Reading books is the most prudent investment of leisure time and I learnt many things from reading.


Speaking IELTS

What type of leisure activities are popular in your country?

In my opinion, everyone their own choice regarding the preference of leisure activities, I believe that activities such as reading, dancing, singing, listening music are popular there days.

Why it is important for people to have time for leisure activities?

Leisure activities have plethora of benefits not only physically but also mentally, a person feel position effects of leisure time immediately, but its benefits are long lasting moreover it reduces stress and prevents depression, during leisure activities, a person will be disconnect yourself to deal with situations I a less stressful way.

Speaking IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS

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