BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 22nd November

BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 22nd November


Speaking IELTS
Speaking IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Fahito Norm.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fahito.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Where are you from?

I live in Bombay.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Do you work or study?

I have recently completed a master in InTechnology from information technology from Pune University.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?

Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning, I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

Do you wear caps and hats?

Sometimes, I wear the cap for two reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Did you wear hats as a child?

Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.


Describe a natural disaster/an extreme weather condition that you will never forget.


Speaking IELTS Interview

Well, I would like to talk about the “historical flood” that happened in Hanoi a decade ago, 2008. This must be the year that Hanoians can never forget.

It is memorable because the rain was so heavy and lasted for many days consecutively that inundated many streets of Hanoi. The rain was considered the heaviest in the last 100 years, which caused people to suffer from a lot of damage. Precipitation reached a record high and almost all activities were paused to ensure the safety of both people and property.

According to statistics, many families even suffered from inundation as high level of water flew into their houses. Offices or schools had to make emergency announcement to let their employees and students be at home to avoid any potential accidents that may caused by the pouring rain. Life then had a lot of disturbance and people had to wait until it stopped raining.

Speaking IELTS Interview

The rain triggered inconvenience for people in different fields as high death toll was recorded, traffic was in no order or people stood a high chance of dangerous epidemics. Luckily, after a few days, life began to come back to the way it was thanks to concerted effort of both local authority and many people of the city.


Why the world has to suffer from natural disasters more than ever before?

Well, I think this is a worldwide issue that needs to be solved before it is too late. Obviously, there is global warming that is resulted from human activities such as deforestation or over-exploitation of natural resources. Moreover, the exhaust fumes from vehicles or factories are the main reason that causes Ozone depletion. That is why more natural disasters are happening. Personally, I think both government and citizens all over the world should act now before humankind has to suffer from more serious disasters in the future.

Speaking IELTS Interview

What are the types of natural disasters that sometimes occur?

I think the most common ones that people would immediately think of are earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis and recently there’s been a lot of news about wildfires. Then you have drought and famine and other natural disasters. The ones you normally see on the news are usually quite devastating and unexpected, although there are some areas of the world where drought and famine exist almost permanently, but because it’s not sensational it doesn’t make the headlines as much.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS Interview

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