BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 2nd December

BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 2nd December


Speaking IELTS
Speaking IELTS



Speaking IELTS Interview

What is your full name?

My name is Rish Habh.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Rish.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you work or study?

I am an industrial chemist.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Do you enjoy your work? Why?

Initially, I did enjoy but with time I am losing interest.

Why did you choose a career as an industrial chemist?

I was always amazed when I learnt how first human came in contact with chemistry by then, the mysterious sparks produced when man stuck two stones together. And then, man realized that how these sparks could be transferred to wood to create a wondrous flame. The earliest chemical reaction was Fire – a mystical force to the prehistoric man. This entire chain of incidents pulled me towards this field.

Will you continue with this in the future?

I’m not sure about it because I don’t enjoy this field anymore for some reason. I started with the tremendous zeal but in the midway I feel I’m losing the traction for this line of interest. Let’s see what the future unfolds for me.

What was your favorite activity when you were a child?

As a child, we had plenty of outdoor activities because internet and computers were not that popular then. Most of the time, we spent time going to parks or visiting the zoo or playing around with friends. My favorite activity was playing cricket with my friends.

Speaking IELTS Interview


Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future

You should say:

– what the goal is

– when you first began to have this goal

– how you would achieve the first step of your goal

– how easy or difficult you think it will be to reach this goal

and explain why you have this goal.

Speaking IELTS Interview


I have a long desire to learn Chinese as a second foreign language, but even with my passion, I still have not achieved it yet. This passion grew in me just few years ago when I watched a very inspiring movie about Chinese history and culture.

Then I decided that I had to learn Chinese in order to explore more about this incredible nation. Besides, knowing more than one language is very beneficial to not only my study but also my future career path.

Therefore, in order to achieve my target, I will register for a Chinese course for beginners, which is held 3 times a week. I also intend to download many apps on my phone with the aim to study at home by myself. I have drawn my own schedule so that I can make time for self – study, at least 1 hour per day.

As currently, I have a full – time job, I am so busy that there are days when I have to work overtime or travel faraway to meet clients. Moreover, after a tiring day, I often feel deadly tired and find it hard to concentrate on studying at home. However, just thinking about the moments when I can speak Chinese gives me a sense of satisfaction, which encourages me to study harder and better. Thus, I always remind myself that I have to keep up with my schedule at any cost if I want to make my dream come true.

Speaking IELTS Interview


Do you think it’s important to have realistic goals?

Well, in my view if it’s not realistic – then it’s not really a goal – it’s just a dream. A goal is something which is achievable, something you can actually work towards, whereas if it’s not realistic – like you could never achieve it – then it’s just a thought, or a dream, as I said – it’s not something which is actionable so you’ll probably never achieve it.

For example, I could think that I’d like to be a professional soccer star and earn lots of money; now for me, that’s just a dream because I don’t even play soccer, but for somebody else, a young person who plays soccer, and has a real talent for it, becoming a professional soccer player might be a realistic goal, something they could work towards and eventually achieve it they take the right steps and do what’s necessary to get there. A lot depends on your own perspective and circumstances in terms of whether a ‘goal’ is realistic or not.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Is it always necessary to have something to aspire to in the future?

No, not always; not in the same way as having a goal that will change your life. There are plenty of people who don’t really have any big goals for the future, and that’s okay. Many people just want to be happy with their family or job, and that’s enough for them. I guess those are goals which most people could say they have.

It’s not always necessary to be working towards something big, or constantly trying to improve yourself or learn new things. Some people are like that naturally and others are more relaxed and seem happy doing the things they do and are not very ambitious about achieving other things in life, and that’s fine for them, as long as they’re happy about it. Everyone is different, and that’s a good thing. If everybody wanted exactly the same things in life, it would be boring.

Speaking IELTS Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS Interview

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