BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 26th February

BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 26th February


Speaking IELTS
Speaking IELTS



Speaking IELTS Interview

What is your full name?

My name is Ukreini Abgu.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ukreini.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Do you work or study?

Presently, I’m studying as well as working.

Do you think that your job is too hard?

No, not all as it is a part-time job. I handle clients at a lifestyle store; this job helps me fund my music class.

What do you usually do after work?

I normally finish by 8 in the evening, and then I’ve music class from 8.30 to 10.00. I reach home by 10.30 and the day ends for me.

Speaking IELTS Interview

Did you go to parks during your childhood?

Yes, as a child my grandparents would take me every evening to a park which was close to our house and my grandfather would help me swing.

How often do you go to the parks now?

I do go this park early morning as it has a nice walking track. A lot of old and young people come to walk and there’s a lady who holds her Yoga classes out there. One Sundays, sometimes all friends meet in the garden and play games and gossip.

Do you think parks are important for people?

Yes, parks are very important for people, coming to a park after a tiring day refreshes us, the non-pollution air, and greenery, free from noise pollution. One can relax and calm themselves. A family can get to spend some quality time at the parks with their families. Parks are very important especially for those people who are unable to afford to go to any recreational clubs. Parks help them to have some quality time without having to pay any fees.

Speaking IELTS Interview


Describe a journey that did not go as planned

– Who you went with

– What you did

– and explain why you disliked this journey


Speaking IELTS Interview

Travelling is my hobby and from my travelling experience, I have gained both pleasant and disappointing experiences. Luckily my delightful experience outweighs my unpleasant experience. Today I will share one unsatisfying experience of mine that was in Acapulco, Mexico, in the last year.

Being influenced by the scenic beauty, by one of my college mates, of the beach in the city, Acapulco, I commenced the trip. I fact, Acapulco is a beach resort in Mexico. But the city is filled with high-rise buildings than scenic beauties. Now the town got a shape of the resorts and attracts tourists around the world but earlier it was primarily used as a seaport and a colony of Spain. The naming of the town has a history and the city also achieved fame for its enriched nightlife. Diving under the sea is one of the most attractive activities here in line with the other leisure activities.  

Speaking IELTS Interview

I went there as a tourist with the intention to enjoy the natural views and get engaged in the leisure activities available there. So, I did a lot of things there but had some unwanted experiences (will talk about that soon). Among the activities I performed there, the notables were – taking a sunbath, diving on the sea, having the fresh seafood, wandered through the beach and more others. I liked the sunrise and sunset scenes more than the other things. The seafood was delicious indeed. Besides, I went to visit the other tourist spots of the city and came to know about the past history of the city and how the population here survived.

Everything went well but some of the experiences were not up to the mark. Despite being the oldest beach resort in Mexico, there are lots of chances for improvements in every sector of the city. In a majority of the visiting spots, the services are unsatisfactory. The entire city has been divided into two parts – the north end and the south end. Discriminatory treatments are a common issue there. If you are rich, you would get a royal reception. On the other sides, if you are an ordinary tourist like me, you are to get disappointed. The services will be minimal though you are to pay higher than the ordinary expenses.

Speaking IELTS Interview

I am dissatisfied with the journey. My flight got delayed for eight hours. It could not land at the Acapulco International Airport at the scheduled time. It was also difficult to manage a taxi. I booked a single room in a hotel (not naming that) but once I reached there, they said me that the hotel was full of guests. So, I picked another one after spending a couple of hours on the Acapulco streets. But the accommodation system was not high standard and they charged me more than usual.

The restaurant was unable to meet my requirements for cleanliness and thus I took my meals out of the hotel, as long as I stayed there. Moreover, I expected to enjoy a great vacation here, but the surrounding environment forced me to leave the place on the third day of the visit. So, the trip could not fill my expectations.

Speaking IELTS Interview


Are there any special places for visiting in India?

India is a diverse country. There are many places for visiting in India. There are natural places, historical places and manmade places. India has a lot of natural places such as hill stations and sea-shores. India has a rich historical background. So India has places like the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Amber Fort, Golden Temple and so many more. There are many manmade tourist attractions like museums and art galleries.

Do Indian people like to travel abroad?

Yes, they do. Indian people travel to all parts of the world. Few decades earlier, air travel was very expensive, and only the rich could afford it. Fortunately, now because of cheap air flights, even the common man can dream of foreign travel. Many Indians have settled permanently in foreign countries and are doing pretty well there.

Speaking IELTS Interview

What can people benefit from travelling?

People can benefit a lot from travelling. It is said that ‘travel broadens the mind’. When people travel to other places, they meet new people and see new places. They learn about other cultures, and they get a chance to adopt the good points of other cultures. They spread the good points of their culture. When they see new places, they learn about history, which also increases their knowledge.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS Interview

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