BEST Speaking IELTS Test, 15th November

BEST Speaking IELTS Test, 15th November


Speaking IELTS Test
Speaking IELTS Test



What is your full name?

My name is Dynamic Gurta.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Dynamic.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Thank you, that’s fine, now in first part I’d like to ask you some question about yourself. Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?

 What subjects are you studying?

I am studying Entrepreneurship.

Why did you choose this subject?

The reason behind choosing this subject was to help me carry forward my family.

Speaking IELTS Test

What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

Well, I will be doing my master’s in business management and Entrepreneurship.

Now let’s talk about weekends, what do you usually do on the weekend?

They are pretty relaxed weekends as I get time to organize my room, wardrobe and other stuff like but if I have time in hand I try visiting relatives or friends. On some weekends, I feel doing nothing but just relaxing the whole day and spend my quality time with family.

What do you think you will do next weekend?

I am looking forward to this weekend as I plan to visit an old age home with a friend. I sometimes visit such places for charity because I get a different kind of satisfaction by helping those who are in need.

Speaking IELTS Test


Describe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on the phone in a public place.

You should say:

– when and where it was

– what the call was about;

– what you were doing at that time;

and explain how you felt about it.

Speaking IELTS Test


Well, I’m almost never into eavesdropping to the other people’s personal conversations, but it’s bound to happen nowadays where people never disconnect from their phones. In particular, I would like to share a situation with you when I overheard a lucky conversation. Well, here it goes:

Last month, I was traveling to Orlando to Miami by train. The person who sat next to me had the appearance of a sharp (elegant) businessman. After 10 minute, his phone suddenly rang. As soon as he picked it up, he started speaking loudly which let me no choice but to me shift my attention to his conversation, even though I was reading a book.

He introduced himself as an employment agency agent, and I imagined on the other side there was maybe a youngster who wanted the job. As I had just finished college and was looking for a job, I couldn’t take my ear away from his conversation, even knowing how rude it may come across.

Speaking IELTS Test

He was talking about online jobs such as a content writer, editor, data entry and so on. Along with this he also told the person the name of one or two websites. with the help of these websites, individuals get a job which is relevant for them. Unfortunately, I did not catch the name of websites he mentioned.

So, I decided to be brave. As soon as he hung up, I introduced myself and apologized for eavesdropping. I asked if he could repeat the website for the online jobs. Luckily, he was a very kind person. He accepted my apology and told me the name of the website. In addition to it, he also gave me his business card and told me to give him a call if I had any questions or concerns. So that was the time when I heard someone over the phone. I felt so happy to come across an opportunity like this- sometimes it pays off to be nosey!

Speaking IELTS Test


Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?

It is quite understandable as to why some have to resort to loud talking in places which they are supposed to speak softly or remain in silence. Take me as an example, while sitting on the bus, especially during peak time, when it is packed in like sardines and there is not even room to swing a cat, it is normal that people would have a chit chat with their friends sitting next to them, or do some work like answering phone calls from their boss or partners. It’s nothing but a mess, so people have to raise their voice so that their counterparts can get the hang of what they are talking about.

Speaking IELTS Test

Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?

Currently, there’s no rule which prohibits people from talking out loud in public places. But I guess there shouldn’t be one, as it seems out of the question to carry out such a law. As I have mentioned, there are not too many times when people make a racket, only when it’s jam packed and there is a need to talk out loudly to attract others’ attention. Besides, every person has a different character, which means some are born talkative, while others would love to remain silent, so I reckon education should take priority rather than establishing rules and regulations.

Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?

It is not totally gross o talk on the phone in public places as the need to reach others via phone is a basic one. Having said that, it’s well-advised to keep the conversations concise and to the point instead of going round-about or sharing private information publicly like that. Also, it’s not socially unacceptable if people keep their voice down a bit, speaking in a way that both the caller and the recipient can understand each other.

Speaking IELTS Test


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking IELTS Test

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