BEST Speaking IELTS Test, 25th November

BEST Speaking IELTS Test, 25th November


Speaking IELTS Test
Speaking IELTS Test



What is your full name?

My name is Urvado Mahir.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Urvado.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

What historical event do you find most interesting?

Personally, I am fond of the Battle of Red Cliffs which happened during the early period of the Three Kingdoms. This was a decisive battle at the end of the Han Dynasty. It was also a typical battle in Chinese history renowned for a smaller and weaker army defeating a larger and stronger foe.

Speaking IELTS Test

Do you think history is important?

Yes, the main factor is that like our native language and our history forms our cultural identity and provides a unique record of our country. We can learn from the experiences of history to correct our current actions.

Do you like to watch programmes on TV about history?

Yes, I enjoy watching documentaries about history on TV because I can see a lot of materials that cannot be seen in the textbooks. I watch them at home during my time off with my son to learn something about history.

Do you think you can really learn history from films and TV programmes?

I don’t feel that watching current TV series can make you more aware of the history. TV programmes are more engaging than books; however, true historical events in most of the TV series have been distorted by the producers to cater for the audience. It’s really a shame, as young people will misunderstand history as presented by these companies.

Speaking IELTS Test

Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?

Yes. History is full of debates but you can understand both sides of the story by going online which will help you to become aware of the true facts and be able to think critically about these things. I’m always Goggling for interesting historical materials about the Song Dynasty. I want to know the truth of the matter.


Describe a lesson that you enjoyed

You should say:

• When it was

• What it was about

• What happened

And explain why you liked it

Speaking IELTS Test


Well, I would like to share with you about a really pleasant experience in an English class I had at my university.

During one of our grammar lessons, the regular teacher was sick so the school had to send in a teacher to cover her place. And the substitute teacher, Thomas Hall, delivered an amazing lecture in English about how he thinks we should all learn languages through watching films.

Throughout the two hours, he explained to us the process of learning a language and how films can serve as an effective way to immerse yourself in a language. Basic elements like vocabulary and grammar can be easily absorbed if we focus on dialog in a TV show, and so in the long run, our overall language skills can be improved. This method helps us to learn any language effortlessly and in a short period of time.

Speaking IELTS Test

At first, we were all sceptical about the ideas he introduced, however, after watching a short video to practice and doing a trial test, we were all convinced that learning by watching movies was not hard at all and we could apply this to enhance our performance at school.

I enjoyed this lesson so much because I find this method to be particularly effective for me. I always felt unmotivated when learning by traditional methods and my results were never desirable. But when I tried learning English using my favourite movies, you know what? My English got better and better and very soon I was able to remember thousands of new words and write really complicated essays. Now, I can even proudly say that I have mastered the English language.


Mostly students afraid of learning English but why you like it?

It is true that most students afraid of learning English but I love it because there was an English atmosphere in my house since childhood. My uncle has done masters in the English language so he always motivated me to learn it since my early school days.

Speaking IELTS Test

What is the future of English in India nowadays?

The future of English is bright in India nowadays because there is a race among Indian students to go abroad and they appeared in the IELTS exam to a large extent. Students do IELTS and are going abroad for more job opportunities.


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Speaking IELTS Test

20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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