BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 1st November

BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 1st November


Speaking Test IELTS
Speaking Test IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Fulla Rahijo.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Fulla.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do rather I am a God-loving and a God-fearing person.

What is your favourite colour?

I love the green colour because it is a symbol of prosperity and it always creates a cheerful atmosphere in the surroundings.

Speaking Test IELTS

What is the importance of education in our lives?

Education provides an unflinching support to our skills and knowledge to survive, grow and support our family and the society. According to me, it is the fuel for growth and the supportive engine of the world.

Do you think practical knowledge should be given during college days?

Yes, it is essential to give practical training to the students because without practical knowledge, students get familiar only with the bookish world which can create problems for them when they face the real world.

What personality traits should be kept in mind when one has to achieve success in life/business?

There are many qualities needed to get success in life and business. Some of them are vibrant attitude, persistence, honesty, hard work, competitiveness, ability to envisage future outcomes and so on.

According to you, which life is better, school life or college life?

According to my opinion, both lives have their own special significance. But for me, college life is much better because at college, we come out of the innocent world of school and enter the world of independence and adulthood.

Speaking Test IELTS


Describe a person you know

You should say:

• Who this person is.

• How long you have known each other.

• How you got to know him/her.

• How you feel about this person.


I’m going to talk about a friend I met in college who goes by the name Moon.

Speaking Test IELTS

I met her during our freshman year orientation, and I personally think I was very lucky to have been introduced to her. She is a Chinese student whom everybody adores. I have known her for 3 years, and in all those 3 years, I have never once been bored by her or her presence. She is always energetic and fun to be with. We had a lot of classes together in our first year and she always came to help me with my homework in the weekends.

I got to know her better through our reviews for exams together and our hangouts after class. Cheerful as she might have appeared to be, she received a lot of pressure from her parents about good grades and getting into a good graduate school. I admire the way she always tried to stay positive despite all the stress she was under.

Now that we’re in our final year of university, I don’t see her as often anymore. But once in a while, she sends me a message to check how I’m doing with my schoolwork and I really appreciate her for that. Either way, I know that I have cherished our time together, and that whether or not we can keep being in each other’s lives, I will always look back on our college experiences with great fondness.

Speaking Test IELTS


Did you have a happy childhood?

Yes, I had a happy childhood because I had a vast friend circle, and I used to spend quality time with my amigos. Moreover, I had plenty of time at my disposal to widen my social circle. Apart from this, I did not have many pressures because I used to get good grades without much hard work.

Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?

It is due to the reason that during our formative years in primary school we spend a sizeable time of our day in the company of our friends. And during this time, we become more aware of their likes and dislikes. Hence due to this reason, the friends made during our primary schooling remain our friends for a long period. And the good moments spent with them always remain etched in our memories.

Speaking Test IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking Test IELTS

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