BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 6th December

BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 6th December


Speaking Test IELTS
Speaking Test IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Namank Kuli.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Namank.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Speaking Test IELTS

Do you have many friends?

Yes, I have many friends as I am an extrovert person, but only a few close friends.

How often do you talk to your friends?

I talk to my friends every day. By best friend is also my neighbour. We are together most of the time.

What do you think makes people have a long friendship?

Mutual understanding makes people have a long friendship. If people can tolerate each other’s shortcomings, be simple and straight forward, then friendships can be for a long time.

Does it make things easier in a friendship if you have similar interests?

Yes, definitely. With similar interests friends can spend time together and not get bored. They will also have similar topics for discussion. In a lasting friendship it is very essential that your likes and dislikes are similar.

Speaking Test IELTS

Are there many advertisements in your country?

Yes, there are too many advertisements in our daily lives. In fact advertising has become an industry. It has become the backbone of many economies of the world. Ads are ubiquitous nowadays. We see ads on TV, newspapers, hoardings and flyers. We also get ads through the radio, cell phone and the Internet.


Describe a time when you were excited

• Where you were?

• When it was?

• Who you were with?

• Explain why were you excited?

Speaking Test IELTS


I’m not a hugely excitable person and a lot of my friends would consider me to be quite reserved. However, I’ve been known to get quite excited when some new bit of technology is released.

Like a lot of people, I’m a huge Apple fan. I watch all the keynotes, read all the rumours about unreleased products, and generally get very excited when something new and interesting surfaces.

A couple of years ago I was eagerly watching the latest product announcement. The new Apple Watch was being announced and it was everything I hoped it would be; I was ecstatic.

Speaking Test IELTS

I made a note of the release date, and was almost counting down the days until launch day. I couldn’t have been more excited but tried to think about other things instead. On the morning of its release I woke up bright and early and made my way to the Apple Store in time for its opening. I didn’t think there would be much of a crowd, but a lot of people had the same idea as me and a long line had formed before my arrival.

I felt crestfallen because I feared they’d run out of the model and color that I wanted. But I had my fingers crossed and hoped for the best. As I neared the front of the line, my excitement was building. It wasn’t long until I was let in the store and my credit card was out, paying for this product I’d so eagerly awaited.

I raced home, ready to inbox it. My housemate saw me and couldn’t believe I was so enthusiastic about this gadget.


Speaking Test IELTS

Which personal events do people usually celebrate?

People celebrate personal events like birthdays, marriage anniversaries and even days of personal achievements like scoring good scores in a test or doing well on a work project. People also celebrate festivals like Christmas, Diwali, Holi and so on.

How much time people need to prepare for celebrations?

I think people generally are busy nowadays and for events like birthdays, festivals most people do not spend a lot of time preparing. However, for marriages people even spend weeks preparing as it a once in lifetime kind of a celebration.

Do you think it is necessary to spend some money on celebrations?

I think celebrations are about sharing our joys and our excitement with each other. They are about spending quality time with each other. So, I don’t think spending money is important. It is about being together and doing fun activities like dancing etc.

Speaking Test IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking Test IELTS

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