BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 27th January

BEST Speaking Test IELTS, 27th January


Speaking Test IELTS
Speaking Test IELTS



What is your full name?

Hi. My name is YUI kIr.

What shall I call you?

Please call me by my first name, which is YUI.

Where are you from?

I am from New Delhi in India.

Can I see your identification please?

Yes. Here are you.

Speaking Test IELTS

Are you very interested in fashion and clothes?

Yes, I am very interested in fashion and clothes. I like to know what the latest trend is. However, I may not necessarily follow it.

Do you kind(s) of clothes are expensive in your country?

Yes, I think I have a lot of nice clothes. I do most of the shopping for myself and I like all the clothes I have.

What kind(s) of clothes do you usually wear?

I usually like to wear comfortable clothes, in my favourite colors.

Would you say clothes are expensive in your country?

India has people from all strata of society and everyone has a different earning and buying capacity. So, there are clothes available that are not too costly and then there are the very expensive designer clothes that are also available.

Speaking Test IELTS

Do you like to wear fashionable clothes?

Yes, sometimes. However, I do understand that not all types of clothes suit everyone. So, I wear clothes that suit me.

Is there anything that you used to wear in past that you don’t wear now?

As a child, I used a lot of dresses, which I don’t wear now. I do wear western formal clothes, but not dresses.

How often do you go for shopping for clothes?

I so shopping for clothes when I need something. I am not a shopaholic and I don’t buy clothes, but not dresses.

Do you like shopping for clothes?

No, I don’t really like shopping for clothes these days. There are too many choices and it becomes very difficult to choose the right clothes.

Speaking Test IELTS

How often do you buy clothes online?

I buy clothes online very rarely, only when for some reason I am not able to go to an actual store.


Describe a place where you relaxed

You should say

– Where it is

– What you usually do there;

– How often you go there;

And explain why it is a relaxing place

Speaking Test IELTS


Relaxation is important in everyone’s life. Everyone has different ways of relaxation. Elderly people go to religious places and parks to relax. Young people have a lot of pent up energy, so they go to gyms and discos to sweat out that energy, and relax.

I usually go to a gurdwara to relax. I went that last Sunday and spent the whole afternoon there. I go there; I do circumambulation of the holy book inside the main hall, and pay obeisance to the almighty. There is a well-maintained fishpond in the gurdwara, which has many species of fish. I just sit on the steps of the pond and listen to the holy chants going on all the time there. It gives me great relaxation and peace of mind. Last Sunday, I took some bread from home and feed the fish.

Speaking Test IELTS

There are two catfish among the many others, which seem to be talking to me. I know that the tempo of life has slowed down a bit. It is so relaxing to watch the movements of the fish in the water. This activity takes away all the physical and mental tiredness away from my body. I feel very light-hearted after that. Even though there is always a great rush in this temple, yet one can find peace and quiet over there.

Sometimes, I offer voluntary services in the community kitchen over there. Free food is offered to one and all in the community kitchen and this service is round the clock. So, this is the place I went to relax.


Where do Indian people like to go on weekends?

Indian people like to go to cinemas, shopping malls, and restaurants on weekends. Sometimes they go to their relatives’ homes.

Speaking Test IELTS

What do old people do to relax?

Old people go to religious places. They go to parks and sit on the benches and talk with others of their age.

What is the importance of relaxation?

Relaxation is very important. It recharges one’s batteries. After relaxing people can work better and students can study better.

What are the ways people relax themselves?

People relax in different ways. Some go t parks, some go to religious places, and some just sit at home and listen to music or watch TV. Young people have a lot of pent up energy, so they go to gyms and discos to sweat out that energy, and relax.

Speaking Test IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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