BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September


Speaking Topics for IELTS
Speaking Topics for IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Asha Debra.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you believe in God?

Yes, I do rather I am a God-loving and a God-fearing person.

What is your favourite colour?

I love the green colour because it is a symbol of prosperity and it always creates a cheerful atmosphere in the surroundings.

What is the importance of education in our lives?

Education provides an unflinching support to our skills and knowledge to survive, grow and support our family and the society. According to me, it is the fuel for growth and the supportive engine of the world.

Do you think practical knowledge should be given during college days?

Yes, it is essential to give practical training to the students because without practical knowledge, students get familiar only with the bookish world which can create problems for them when they face the real world.

What personality traits should be kept in mind when one has to achieve success in life/business?

There are many qualities needed to get success in life and business. Some of them are vibrant attitude, persistence, honesty, hard work, competitiveness, ability to envisage future outcomes and so on.

According to you, which life is better, school life or college life?

According to my opinion, both lives have their own special significance. But for me, college life is much better because at college, we come out of the innocent world of school and enter the world of independence and adulthood.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September


Describe a kind of music or a song

You should say:

• What kind of music it is

• Where you usually listen to it

• Why you like it

And say what kind of mood this music puts you in


I like to think of myself as a lover of music that is kind of sentimental and romantic. I love to listen to many different music genres, but the one that I particularly enjoy the most is ballads. It is the genre that consists of slow tempo, sad vibes and heart-breaking lyrics.

I usually listen to these kinds of song on my computer or on my MP3 player with my headphones on, so you can basically see me listening to ballads pretty much all of the time, and just about anywhere. I am quite a sensitive guy, so whenever I feel sad, I just turn on my MP3 player and let the melody express my feelings.

Ballads give me a sense of nostalgia, and make me remember about wonderful memories from the past with special people. Every time a ballad is played, I remember my childhood, the sweet memories and the reckless moments I had with my friends, my ex-lovers and my family. This genre is the key that opens up the door to my past. I love it with all of my heart.

This music puts me in a sad yet charming mood. I feel sad that the past days are gone and yet I wonder about the many future moments I’ll have with special people. Furthermore, if I fall asleep while listening to a ballad, I can dream of those memories and feel slightly happy when I wake up. It really has everything that I seek for when it comes to a music genre.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September


What types of songs are the most popular among today’s young generation in India?

Nowadays rap or pop songs are most popular in India. Songs which have good lyrics and beats are liked by the youth. Sometimes young people also like songs which have trending videos and lyrics.

Why do you think pop music is so popular?

Pop music is popular because pop songs normally have nice beats and catchy tunes which make people feel like dancing. Also people are easily able to remember the lyrics of pop songs.

What kinds of songs do elders prefer?

Old People normally like to listen to the music of 1960’s or 70’s. These are normally slow and melodious songs which are soothing to the ears. So old people prefer such kind of music.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September


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BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 30th September

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