BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October


Speaking Topics for IELTS
Speaking Topics for IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Covidsheko Vokali.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Covidsheko.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you think people rely too much on machines nowadays?

I think that many people rely loo greatly on machines. They seem to forget that there are people around them. It is easy to become completely absorbed in computers or phones or PDAs or MP3 players. People will more often turn to their machines for entertainment rather than spending time with others or getting exercise.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October

What are the advantages that we get from using modern home and office equipment?

There are some advantages to using modern home and office equipment. One of the main ones is that more things get done and often we can complete projects and assignments very quickly. We are also able to do things that we wouldn’t have been able to do before, like working at home. Also, because we are able to finish tailings quickly we have more time for other activities that we wish to do.

What do you think is the most useful thing that man has ever discovered?

I think that the most important discovery was electricity. Without electricity we would not have any of the modern equipment that we have today. We would be unable to have phones, computers, lights, TVs. refrigerators, or music players. Electricity runs almost everything in our houses and work areas today.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October

Does it rain much in your country? (Where? When?)

I would say yes. It rains a lot in the summer when tropical storms strike our country. There is torrential rain in the region in June, July and August, and the rainfall tends to be higher in the North than in the South.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October


Describe a holiday you would like to take in the future

You should say:

• When and where you would like to go

• Who you would like to go with

• What you would like to do on this holiday

• Why you would like to take the holiday

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October


I have itchy feet, so I always have a detailed plan for the next holiday trip in mind. This time, I am going to wait for my children’s summer vacation so that I can take the whole family on a trip together. I am a family person and I love to travel with my loved ones. And, you know, summer won’t be complete without sun tan and beach snapshots.

Therefore, my destination must be a seaside city and Vinh Hy bay is my ideal place. I have heard about this place a long time ago, a friend of mine highly recommended this place after her trip there. It is known for natural scenic beauty and delicious fresh seafood at an affordable price.

I was curious, but couldn’t find time to travel there due to my tight working schedule. But this summer we are going to make it. It’s only a 4-hour ride from our city to the bay, so I am going to go by bike, as if I were going backpacking. One reason luring us to this place is that it’s a pristine island, which means it won’t be crowded with tourists and the food here won’t be overpriced.

Unlike other beaches which offer a variety of water sports like canoeing, scuba-diving, waterskiing and skydiving, there will not be many activities to do in Vinh Hy bay apart from sun-bathing and eating seafood. But this is going be a family time, and to me, spending time together is already enough.

In case my children get bored, so I am going to bring some family games like UNO and castlebuilding tools to enjoy time on the beach together. I am in dire need of this vacation as I want to escape from a stressful workload and pressure from city life for a while with my kids and my spouse. Also, I think it is a good idea to reward my children with a trip after studying hard throughout the school year.

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October


What are the most popular holiday places that people in your country enjoy going to?

In my country there is no shortage of beautiful landscapes and unique places for locals to explore.  In the west, there are a lot of incredible natural wonders to see. One amazing spot out there is Banff, which is a picturesque town that is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery, including snow capped mountains, sparkling lakes, and alpine meadows. On the other side of the country, some holiday goers like to see some of the oldest settlements that contain nice colonial architecture. The list is endless. 

Do workers and students have a good amount of holiday time where you live?

In most instances, students seem to really benefit by having a lot of holiday time as they have long summer holidays and breaks on major holidays, especially at Christmas and New Years time. There is a law in my country that allows all workers to be entitled to at least 2 weeks of paid holiday each year. This doesn’t include getting time off for national holidays, which often means having long three day weekends almost once per month as well.  So, I guess that most people have a fair amount of down time, but students and workers with seniority tend to have it better. 

What are some reasons why young people take holidays compared to why old people do it?  

When thinking about the differences between the two age groups, I assume that it has something to do with economic status, health and possibly even values.  Young adult travellers are usually full of energy, fearless, and looking for a fun time, so it’s not unusual for them to stay in cheap accommodation and want to visit lively hot places that are full of chances to meet other fellow travellers. Seniors, on the other hand, have seen it all before, and because of their wealth and physical stamina, they tend to avoid hassles and travel at quieter periods, and stay at places that offer more conveniences. 

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October


BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October

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BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 12th October

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