BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 19th November

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 19th November


Speaking Topics for IELTS
Speaking Topics for IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Pichaji Subro.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Pichaji.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like amusement parks?

I love them! I think they are something that all ages can enjoy. I still feel just as excited about them now as I did when I was a child. There’s nothing like the feeling of your stomach dropping on a rollercoaster.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

How often do you go to amusement parks?

Not very often anymore, maybe once every few years. However, in the past, we used to go every year. Nowadays, we go every few years. We’re planning on going to Six Flags this October for Halloween, actually. They always have a special event there with haunted houses and costumes!

What do you usually do at amusement parks?

Rides, eat at concession stands, go swimming, and wait in line for a long time! My favorite rides are roller coasters and water rides, especially on hot days. For example, I love the log flume ride where you get a huge splash at the end. Moreover, I love the wave pools and lazy rivers.

What kinds of things make you tired?

Speaking Topics for IELTS

I’m generally a lethargic person, so I tend to get tired easily. I usually start to feel sleepy when I sit in a boring lecture and work in an office. Moreover, I tend to feel tired when I eat too much or drink alcohol.

What do you do when you feel tired?

Sometimes I decide to fight it with a cup of coffee or another form of caffeine, or I simply surrender and take a nap. However, when I take a nap, I tend to sleep for too long and feel even more tired afterwards, so it’s better to fight through my fatigue.


Describe an inventor that you admire the most.

Speaking Topics for IELTS


Wow, to be honest, today I would like to describe Thomas Edison – an American and one of the greatest inventors of all time and he is considered one of the men that have changed the world.

I mention him for his perseverance through a lot of trial and error and the practicability of his inventions. (Example) He is famous all over the world for being a very prolific inventor, who has more than 1,000 patents for more than 1,000 inventions throughout his life – a very impressive number! It took him many years to invent those things and his inventions range from fluoroscope, phonograph, but the most outstanding one must be the light bulb, which is the thing that we still use today.

After a lot of experiment then failure and other difficulties, he finally invented one of the greatest inventions in humankind history. The advent of the light bulb in 1880 marked a milestone in history when it put an end to darkness and people had a brand new household appliance to light.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

Moreover, the phonograph, or a record player, is also one of his famous inventions. Although now it is only used by a small number of people, it used to be the most popular entertaining application for millions of people around the world. In addition, Thomas Edison is also famous for his quote: “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”, which inspires people to work with perseverance and passion then success will come to them.


What should government do to encourage inventors?

Well, I think inventors are an indispensable part of an economy, where creativity is put in top priority and innovations are made to serve the life of people so it is crucial that inventors be encouraged. Government should raise a fund for inventors and when each invention is made, they will be awarded an amount of money. Moreover, each invention should be examined carefully and commercialized to assist inventors and make them feel more motivated to create new things.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

What do you think are the drawbacks of technological inventions?

Well, I have to say yes. Technological breakthroughs help humans in many ways and our life is much more convenient. However, people now tend to rely a lot on those inventions, which might make us lazier. We will not do household chores on a regular basis as automated robots will take over them. Moreover, smart phones may hinder us from meeting face-to-face with our beloved people. I think that we should use these devices wisely to avoid being its victims.

Speaking Topics for IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking Topics for IELTS

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