BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 10th January

BEST Speaking Topics for IELTS, 10th January


Speaking Topics for IELTS
Speaking Topics for IELTS



What is your full name?

My name is Afd Kui.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Afd.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you live in a house or flat? Or what kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

I live in a house. It is a two storey brick house.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

Please describe it a little.

It is a two storey brick house. There’re four bedrooms with attached bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a drawing room. There is a small lawn in the front and a kitchen garden in the backyard.

What’s your favorite room in your home?

My favorite room is my own room, because I’ve decorated it according to my taste.

What have you done to your room to make it look nice?

I keep my room spic and span. The walls are painted light pink because it is my favourite color. There are floral curtains.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

Is it a big city or a small place?

It is a town with a population of about 1.5 lakhs. It is on the national highway.

Please describe your hometown a little.

My hometown is very beautiful. All facilities are available here. There are good educational facilities, good hospitals, good job opportunities and already good shopping center.

How long have you been living there?

I have been living there since my birth.

Speaking Topics for IELTS


Describe a famous celebrity from your country who you admire

You should say:

– who the person is

– what kind of celebrity this person is

– describe why this person has become successful

– and explain why you admire this person.


Alright then, I’m going to talk about Faye Wang, who’s the most famous female singer in China.

Speaking Topics for IELTS

I’d like to begin by highlighting that Faye is considered as the all-time diva among the young generation. She was born in Beijing, but became famous in Hong Kong as a pop singer. Her fame is due to her career as a highly successful and influential singer, songwriter and actress; and she’s also known as an icon of fashion due to her amazing and impressive makeup and clothing styles.

Now let’s move on to the point of why I hold Faye in high regards. What I have to mention here is that the admiration I have for her dedication to help others. Her daughter was born with a cleft lip, and she took her to California for surgery. Once she realized how much money is required for cleft lip surgeries, she decided to establish a foundation to help people receive proper treatment.

Apart from this, what I’d like to mention is that Faye is a highly family-oriented person. She is a traditional Chinese woman and in the mid-1990s she left Hong Kong at the peak of her career and moved to Beijing to live with her husband, who was a successful rock star. Although her marriage failed, everyone took pity on her and respected the career sacrifice she made for her family.

Speaking Topics for IELTS


Do you think people who are famous are more admired than others?

In one sense, yes. People who are famous have accomplished success in their life. This success can transfix so many people and they get flattered by these famous people However, to get flattered by famous people and admire them are totally different. Even famous people should have the qualities such as compassion and honesty to get admired.

Which celebrities, according to you, should be admired more ? politicians, authors, sports person or movie star?

I think the person should not be admired because of certain talent he has got. He should be admired for the human qualities. If a movie star is highly popular and successful but does not have helpful nature or a politician who does not possess compassion for poor people should not be admired.

In general, people listed above are admired more. Do you think that scientists or army men should be admired more?

There is no doubt that scientists and army people should be admired more because they are far superior in each of the facet than any movies star or cricketers.

Speaking Topics for IELTS


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Speaking Topics for IELTS

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