BEST TIPS : How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing
How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

BEST TIPS : How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

The writing module is the one that students think burdensome in the PTE exam. This includes figure outing the extent to which you have used a well-contriving, cohesive and coherent sentence structure. There are basically two sections in the writing of PTE exam, you should manifest your ability to understand the given task.

The Keys to Get 80+in Your PTE Writing are

There are two main tasks in writing part as below

Summarize written text


Maintain Simplicity

Stay stick to the point in both the cases. The key features of the context can be usually be recurrent and tried out in your text. If you don’t encapsulate the meaning or objective, you’ll not receive a point.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

 Utilise Time to Plan Your Points

10 minutes are provided for Summarize Written Text and 20 minutes for writing an essay use it to your upper hand, ponder about the words that can be used in your answer.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

 Use Correct Format

Using unerring and precise task format is as paramount as the content. Make an attempt to find a accurate pattern that suits you and try practice typing it.

Recapitulate  Written Text

The first would be  epitomising of a written Text, where a long paragraph/paragraphs would be given to you and you have to summarize it in one single sentence using a single full stop only.

A) Be definite with your Response

Make sure you know the format in a right manner and have enough practise for it. Your response should be in 5 to 75 words; however, write approximately 40 to 50 words.  Don’t include unnecessary information into one single sentence. Use connectors and linking words correctly.

B) Select Key Points Only

Use the given time to comprehend the passage; howbeit, if you are not familiar with the given topic, then try to find the key points from the passage. Ordinarily the first sentence is going to be the topic and the last sentence would be a sum up. Select the keywords and put them into a sequence that makes it a significant phrase.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

Run-through Using Compound And Complex Sentences

As the saying “Jump through hoops”. Apply this in your practice to prepare using compound and complex sentences which in return will Boost Your Scores in PTE Test.

Don’t Copy The Whole Sentence From The Paragraph

As said before, try to use your own words and phrases using the keywords from the passage. Avoid copying the whole sentence from the passage as it would do harm to your score than good.

Write in Clear and Concise Paragraphs

Rehearse your Typing Speed in Writing for clear and  compendious description. In writing you should consider grammatical errors,  imprecision or

 unintentional errors which can lead to deduction of the score.

 Work one’s fingers to the bone on your Weaknesses

Look for your weak points in writing. What common mistakes you make and try to fix it by practicing.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

 Essay Writing Tips

Essay writing in PTE will Test the Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary and Writing Skills. Time management is necessary because you will require plenty of time to plan, write and re-read the essay in 20 minutes. Your essay will be marked or calculated in the formal matter and requirements of the question, along with your grammar, general language range, vocabulary range and spelling. Some tips to use in your PTE academics are:

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

A) Spot The Type Of Essay

There will be a  diversification of essays and majority essays are argumentative. So generating ideas for both sides of argumentation. But it’s very important that we have a clear position on one side. Take a clear stand for the topic, practice the format which is required.

B) Don’t Start Writing Immediately

Once you have finished speaking and have begun to write your ETP, take a moment to read and understand the question.  Do not jump into writing directly because it will cause you to loose concentration and you might make mistakes. Organize your essay appropriately as it will allow you not only to gain more points for the Written Discourse criteria, but also to save time.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

C) Do Not Use Bullet Points

You should write the essay into a well-established structure which will have an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Avoid the use of bullets whenever possible.

D) Don’t Try To Max The Word Limit

In both the writing tasks you have word limitation that you have to follow. Write your essay in about 230/250 words using a practical introductory structure, body paragraphs and a conclusion.

E) Diversify Your Language

Try to use lexical range for repetitive words. For this you need to expand your vocabulary as it also tests your vocabulary level. You can do so by reading or watching news or movies, try to find words which are new for you. Try to list down words according to essay topic categories like technology, crime, environment etc.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

F) Get Some Writing Practice

Practice, practice and lots of practice. Set an essay structure that is suitable for you to use and try to memorize it if you cannot think of words and sentences on the spot, as it will give you an advantage in this case.  Look out for the word limits while preparing.

G) Structure Your Essay Properly

It is of the highest importance that you write your essay in the specific format to obtain a higher score in the PTE test. There are 3 essential parts of the essay which are Introduction, Body paragraphs along with examples to illustrate and conclusion. This would be the ideal structure for the essay to market Good Score in PTE Exam.

How to Score 80 in PTE Writing


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BEST TIPS : How to Score 80 in PTE Writing

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