BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 601

Vocabulary Words for IELTS
BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: Do you peel your fruit before you eat them?

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: Teachers feel that the present curriculum is too narrow

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: we run across the rooftop hand in hand and then soar into the air.

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: Put all the fresh vegetables in the blender and blend them together for a healthy breakfast smoothie.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: He has a detention after school

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Sentence: we used to climb trees and play by the lake

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Bipartisan: Involving two political parties.

Sentence: This legislation underscores the bipartisan agreement between Labor and the government

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

Dictatorship: A form of government in which the ruler is unconstrained

Sentence: I absolutely believe in a dictatorship when it comes to leading my band.


BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS - 601

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