BEST Writing IELTS Task 2, 17th November

BEST Writing IELTS Task 2, 17th November


IELTS Task 2
IELTS Task 2


Is it wise for an industry to replace its experienced but old workers with new and young individuals who have less experience?


It is true that a recent trend of replacing the experienced old workers with young talents has cropped up in every industry. In my opinion, not all the old workers should be replaced by young individuals.

IELTS Task 2

Experienced employees of every industry should be considered as valuable assets. This is because their experience in the company would be definitely proportional to their loyalty and gratitude towards the employers which is an added advantage. Such Emotionally bonded employees would work sincerely for the development of the company. This is not all; their total experience could never be replaced by anything which implies that they would have sound practical knowledge. Therefore it is always better for the businesses to retain their older employees in spite of recruiting freshers.

On the other hand, fresh graduates are the need of the hour to make the industry sustain in the prevailing high competition. The world has become revolutionised with the advancements in technology and thus a people with cutting edge technical skills are needed in every industry for its economic growth.

Contrarily, it is not a wise decision to fire the old and experienced employees considering age as the only factor. Their experience should be valued, although they might not be aware of updated technologies. There would be problems wherein freshers could find difficulty. In this case, they certainly need guidance. Why can’t every industry use their senior employees as a mentor to train fresh trainees?

It should also be taken into consideration that an industry should be ruthless at times, in my opinion, to make its progress consistent. So if work like marketing and sales involves an old aged employee who is really getting weak, then the wisest decision would be to replace him or her with a young and energetic person. It is not that the older one should be fired but can be used as a resource person for the industry.

To conclude, both old and young employees are the prerequisites for a healthy workenvironment. There should be a mutual sharing of knowledge and skills for the upliftment of the industry. But, few people whose age is an issue for their work could be replaced with young individuals and not all.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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