Boost your IELTS score with these tips

Boost your IELTS score with these tips
Boost your IELTS score with these tips

Boost your IELTS score with these Tips

The International English Language Testing System commonly known as IELTS is a test to assess your English language level. Person who wants to go abroad (any English speaking country) for higher education, job or migration usually appear in the exam. Beside, some candidates who want to check their Language level also appear in this exam.

IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training are two types of IELTS examination and the student can take any option according to their preference. Students who want to go abroad for higher studies usually go for Academic and the candidates who want to migrate or seek work permit choose General Training exam. As you must have understood that IELTS is a very competitive and reputed exam so it is not easy to crack it and students even appear in this exam to achieve their desired scores.

In his article we will discuss to Boost your IELTS score with these tips and you will be able to get your dream scores in the first attempt.

1. Understand the test format

It is mandatory to know the task in a better way that you are going to perform as this make you more comfortable to accomplish it. So, let’s understand the format of the test before you appear in the test. There are 4 modules in IELTS based on these module the level of a candidate is checked. These modules are reading, writing, listening and speaking.  The whole test is conducted in two shifts i.e. reading, writing, listening in one shift and speaking in other shift. These shifts are done in two different days and the time allotted for the whole test is 2 hours 45 minutes. The time allotted for each test is:

Listening30 minutes
Reading60 minutes
Writing60 minutes
Speaking11 to 14 minutes

2. Practice as much as possible

You need to practice a lot it’s a common saying “Practice makes a man perfect”, this statement holds true for IELTS examination too. If you want to crack IELTS exam you have to prepare and practice on regular basis, if you skip a single day of practice you will suffer backlog.

Talking about the Listening you need to be patient to see improvement in listening. You need to patient from the day you start your practice till the day of exam as in the starting you will not understand anything from the clip so you have to keep calm and try to understand. When you get familiarized and appeared in the exam you have to be focused in order to locate the accurate answers from the audio clip.

Reading skills will improve slowly with time. Read different types of magazines, journals, newspapers to improve your reading speed. Read out loud to improve your pronunciation as this will help you in Speaking also.

Writing choose some topics of your interest and write essays on them. At starting just try to write in fast mode ignoring the grammar part this will enhance your writing speed as you get only 60 minutes to complete both tasks.

Practice Speaking by interacting with different people or speak standing in front of the mirror and record your practice sessions to identify your mistakes

3. Stick to the word limit in Writing

The minimum word limit for task 1 in Writing in 150 words and for task 2 is 250 words. Try to write in this limit and don’t exceed 170 words in task 1 and 275 in task 2 as if you will write more than this you will not be able to finish your tasks in the given time limit. You should focus on the quality of the essay rather than making it lengthy.

4. Fluency over vocabulary

Fluency in speaking is very important as you will be judged on it. If you think too much about the vocabulary, then you may get confused and can get fumbled in between a conversation.  Don’t get nervous, rather try to continue conversation with fluency

5. Avoid monotony

Monotony is boring. Try to include variation both in the way you read and write by bringing variations in words, sentence construction and moderating your tone.

Thank You 🙂

Boost your IELTS score with these tips


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Boost your IELTS score with these tips

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